Wednesday, June 03, 2015



This Spring I was asked to join a girls, “just for fun” Golf Team. My instant answer was NO, my answer to everything and anything new. I am a self pro claimed hermit and still carry many of my extreme shyness I had as a child. New things scare me to death and give me major anxiety. I am just one of those kinds of people that would rather sit back and watch others for fear of failure.

I have said no to so many things in my life, this year I decided I would say yes. I said YES to golf on a women’s team, with four other friends. I immediately regretted it and had an ache in the bottom of my stomach, wondering why I would want to do this to myself. I tried to back out as I usually do, but was persuaded by a dear friend to at least try it. After all it was just for fun and they would teach me.

THREE HOURS LATER….and I had a total blast! I was shy at first and wanted to go home and retreat in my shell like the hermit crab I am, but with the help and encouragement of my friends decided to play the whole game through. I loved it! It was my very first time attempting the sport, and while I was not by any means of the word; good, I wasn’t terrible either!

It’s amazing the fun I can have, when I actually let myself have it. I am curious to see in 8 weeks if I will have improved any! Who knows maybe I found myself an outdoors hobby!!

I know many people talk of FOMO (fear of missing out) I have the opposite: (fear of participating in), don’t be like me, if someone asks you to do or try something you haven’t done before and it intrigues you even the slightest bit….go for it! If you don’t enjoy it, then at least you tried. Don’t shelter yourself out of fear or be worried you will fail. There is still fun in failure and who knows you could just succeed. Life doesn’t have to be perfect.
Thanks for stopping by loves

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