Monday, June 22, 2015


Disclaimer: to put my mind at ease I wanted to add this disclaimer to all of my “over sharing circle posts”. There will be five in total in the series. These subjects will be detailed and personal and if you’re not comfortable with them, please avoid reading them, as I don’t want to offend anyone. I plan on writing about these subjects and touching on them many times in my future posts, but will be going into personal depth in this series and feel the disclaimer necessary.
I will start at the beginning, well as far back as I can remember. I didn’t realize it then but when I was eleven or so I hit puberty and went through a period of depression. I gained weight fast and my skin stretched and had stretch marks all over my body. I was embarrassed and retreated into a shell of an existence. I wouldn’t go swimming and stopped wearing a bathing suit, I haven’t worn one since (I’m 26 now) and still haven’t worn one. I am ashamed to write that, my boyfriend has yet to see me in one. How awful is that? One of my future goals is to change that. I am however far away from that goal.
After a few years of feeling bad about myself and having no self-confidence or self-esteem and my parents’ divorce I turned to anorexia as a form of control over my life, I was about to enter Junior High and wanted to feel control in my life. I wanted to feel control of something and chose to control what I ate. I remember not eating for days and crying at night from hunger pains so bad id be awake the whole night. I was scared straight by a friend’s dad, who sat me down at a restaurant and made me eat. I stopped my anorexia and as a teenager with a busy hectic and stressful life kept my weight off for many many years. All throughout my high school years. My depression diminished and I felt happy, I had friends and a busy life. I had boyfriends and attention.
However it was not all sunshine….at 14/15 I disagreed with my mom’s relationship she chose to be in after my parents’ divorce and moved out of my house to town and moved in with a friend’s sister. I didn’t speak with my mom for almost a year and missed being at home to offer support to my younger sister. I felt I was letting her down by not being at home to help her, luckily she found a great boyfriend and his family really gave her the support she needed as a teenager, they will be married this July and she is an amazing person, so proud of her!
My family relationships were strained as they thought I was such an angry teenager, but I knew I couldn’t help the way I was feeling, I didn’t know I was going through another battle with depression.
I went to school and had a part time job and paid rent and moved to many different apartments in town. I walked everywhere and kept my weight off by Fred Flinstone-ing everywhere. I didn’t feel depressed anymore just very stressed sometimes, but that’s life. School was never something that interested me but I managed to graduate and was thankful for that. I had a great part time job, my boss became my mentor and had insight like no other. She looked out for me in a way that makes me grateful beyond words. She helped me build my self-confidence and self-esteem up. I love her so much and still do, she moved away and I miss her so much. I wish we were in touch more.
When I was 17 I met my now boyfriend, it’s hard to look back and realize how young he was. He took me in when my life was chaotic and gave me stability and true love and he never felt young to me he was so in control of his life and helped me so much, my first love, my only love. It brings tears to my eyes as I type this as he means so much to me and did so much for me. I would show up at his house stressed and not willing to let him into my problems like the fact that my apartment was freezing and I couldn’t afford food. He would hold me as I would slobber tears on him and he would patiently wait for me to regain my sanity and clean up my makeup.
I didn’t feel depression again until a few years later, we had been living together for a few years and I had begun to gain some weight. I had to change jobs as my boss I loved so much moved away and sold her business. I found a new job and got my own vehicle. I can remember I always felt a little down about my weight and I will talk about this another post as it intertwines greatly with me depression. But staying on topic I can remember the day my next depression started. I was on my second holiday with my boyfriend’s family and for all reasons should have been so happy, I sat in my room and just cried. It continued for almost two years before it was so bad I was having suicidal thoughts and went to see a doctor. I would drive and drive not telling anyone what was going on with me. I would cry all day at work and not be able to focus, I was going through a very tough friendship at the time and didn’t help things at all and made me even lower. The doctor put me on depression medication I only took it for a few weeks before deciding I didn’t want to be on anything. I went on a small vacation trip with my boyfriend’s sister and her husband and their beautiful baby.  I had a huge breakdown and ended up talking with let’s give him a name now instead of always saying boyfriend. (G).
The day we got home I joined weight watchers, I just felt after that trip and talk my depression lessoned enough for me to be in control. 8 months later I lost 45 pounds and felt like myself again! I felt happy and hopeful and my relationship was less stressed as I wasn’t worried about my weight and was no longer depressed. I was working out a few times a week and feeling so good.
That sadly only lasted a year and I began to binge eat, once the weight started coming back at hurricane speed I sank into another deep depression. This continued for over a year before I decided to see another doctor. This time I decided to keep one of my friends in the loop and G. It was nice to have a friend I could relate to as she had been through post-partum at the same time as my previous period of depression. We could relate a lot. I love her so much for keeping this all private, and now I am telling everyone on here. I was deeply depressed and realizing I had an addiction to food. My relationship was suffering tremendously (I will talk more about this in a future post). The doctor wanted me to be reviewed by a physiatrist. I had tried therapy before and disliked it a great deal, it made me worse.
Depression for me felt like a rain cloud of gloom surrounding me and everything I did, it’s hard to handle my emotions and moods I often cry at nothing and everything. No self-confidence and no self-esteem, feeling lost and worthless and alone, feeling exhausted, and un-motivated and stressed. I knew people loved me but just thought I’d burden them with my problems when they had their own, I didn’t think anyone would understand If I talked to them, I still don’t share these things with my family just my friend & G know, well now you all. This is what depression feels like to me, my different dealings with it at different times of my life have been more severe or less.
6 months later and things hadn’t gotten any better I was still depressed and finally got into see a physiatrist. It helped so much, I liked her a lot although she said my case was best suited for a therapist and would see my for a while until I was on the path with one. I was being open with G and talking with him about my appointments. I began to put work aside as it’s hard to get time off I put myself first and on my third visit I decided to try medication again for my depression. I am in my fourth month on medication and feel a bit more control and less of a rainy cloud of depression over my head. My problems are still present and my weight are at an all-time high, and so are my relationship problems. However I now have clarity on why I have been battling my depression on and off for so long. I need to learn to handle my anxiety. I have an anxiety disorder.
At this present time I am still depressed and currently on medication (I won’t say what kind) as medication differs for everyone and what their doctors and themselves need.
I have hope for the future and gaining control in the right way over my anxiety disorder and being off medication once I feel ready. I want this to be my last battle with depression. I have put off my life in so many ways, it’s time to put me first, make changes and make myself happy, make a real life for myself.
If you or anyone you know may be suffering from depression, please know you are not alone, to not be ashamed and to seek help. There are underlying causes for depression and seeking help will make you stronger, I know I need help and can’t do this on my own. I encourage you to seek help if you are feeling depressed. I hope this will be helpful to the souls that need an honest reflection of what life can be.
Thanks for stopping by loves


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