Friday, June 05, 2015


“Strong women, may we be them, may we raise them.”

 A subject I am very passionate about. I am proud to say and know me and my sisters are all very strong women and have strong spirits.

Sometimes that may get me into trouble as being the stubborn one, there is no changing that as my mother said I was stubborn in the womb; born two weeks past my original due date!

I feel it’s so important to be independent and know that no matter what happens you can stand on your own two feet. You don’t need a man or woman to be able to survive. While it’s an amazing feeling to have a partner in life to share things with and being your best friend (something I do have and cherish). If anything would ever happen, I may be sad but I still have myself and my identity. Your purpose is to not exist solely for someone else but to live for everything you love in life and connect your spirit and make the people you love better versions of themselves and vice versa.

I am not judging the women who need a man as the saying goes, I feel for them. Judgement does nothing but breed negativity. I do not know their life and struggles and what they have been through. I do wish I could reach out and break through to them with words that would resonate and stay. You have yourself and you are a wonderful person, if you relationship is an unhealthy one, it’s not necessary to stay and feel like you would lose yourself without them.

Women are so amazing strong inside, you just need to believe it! If you are in a relationship whatever it may be that you know is not positive for your wellbeing, find the courage deep inside to know you can do this and move on, your identity doesn’t rely in them.  As a women you are strong.

Thanks for stopping by loves

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