Friday, July 03, 2015


I love reading these types of postings, the ones where everyone gushes about their other half and how it all became. Is it shameful to want to take part just so I can gush? Nahh….he deserves it…G that is.
He shall be named G until I feel comfortable using his full name, for now it will be G. Plus that rhymes with (me) BONUS!
I want to keep some privacy for now as he’s very shy and camera shy as well…so we will see if he ever makes his way onto the blog in more than text.
Me and G have been together 9 years this April, you would have to ask him when our first date was as it’s such a blur to me. Almost a decade! Crazy! We live together and are in a committed loving relationship.
A bit about G before I tell you all how we met; he is literally and I know this is so cheesy to say but he’s my other half. If you know me or him you would know it’s no lie or exaggeration.  He is shy, quiet, reserved, a bit of a hermit, timid when out being social, caring, giving, sweet, kind hearted, a total softy and push over when it comes to our nephew Jett. He takes forever to anger but when you do (watch out) LOL. He keeps many things inside and relies on me to pull those feelings out of him when necessary, so he can deal with them and move on. He has an amazing laugh and smile (makes my heart float when I can make him laugh). We are truly better together as we are so similar and really understand how sensitive the other one can be. We also bring different childhood backgrounds to the table that allows a lot of understanding and support to the relationship and insight into why we are the way we are, especially me. I am a bit of a wounded person currently working on many issues and he has never once wavered from everything our relationship has been through. I would say over half of it has been an uphill battle but we are starting to see the light and hope for easier years to come. I could go on and on about his qualities as a man but will stop here and leave more for future gushing.
Please know that every relationship has its set of problems and issues, as long as you treat each other with respect and put effort and love into your relationship and are willing to stick through tough times, it’s worth it. We are far from perfect as a couple and as people, however there is no other that can make me cry and smile (at the same time) with joy like him. Plus he’s dam handsome too. (That doesn’t hurt either)….nope not one bit. Plus he gets cuter with age….how does that work for men?!! NOT FAIR!

HOW WE MET: We met because of my best friend (J) and his best friend (T), who are now married and have the two cutest kids EVER! Like really ever! I die at how stinkin cute they are! They set us up or rather tried to get us together at the same party. I would end up going home, he wouldn’t come out it didn’t work out on timing for a while, then we met. I have no clue why as I was very shy usually, but I just came out and let him know I was interested. Talk about forward much, I’m a little embarrassed to admit it but it’s the truth.
We talked a few times, he was always working so I felt like maybe he didn’t want a relationship, but then we started hanging out and watching movies and going on dates, at my birthday party he asked me to be his girlfriend, I think I kissed him and said YES. I think?
I lived on my own in a few different apartments going to High School and working part time at a Hair Salon. When my Ex- boyfriend came back from Australia, G had asked if I wanted to still date him or go back to my Ex?. I couldn’t explain it but for the first time maybe because I was so young and never usually made wise choices, I decided to trust my instincts and said no to the Ex, I want to be with you (G) and only you. I didn’t know what drew me into G but there was just something telling me it would be amazing and he would never hurt me like I had been hurt before.  I wanted him and that was that. It’s weird to say I was more attracted to the connection I could feel between us at first, than his handsome face. A connection that hadn’t even fully developed yet, a connection I knew word form though. A connection that is now half of my soul.
He kept our relationship from his family for 6 months as he was so shy and hadn’t really brought girls home to meet his parents much before. I was so intimidated when I first met them, when I finally did meet them! However they are amazing people and I am very lucky to have them in my life.
He told me he loved me after a night of drinking at a family gathering. I said: “Thank You”. He still bugs me about that one, but I wasn’t ready and wanted it to mean something. I was beginning to understand what true love was and when I said it I wanted it to be 100% truthful, so a few months later I said: “I love you”. I can be just a tad stubborn, and do things when I’m good and ready.
After two ½ years we moved in together, it was weird living with a boy for the first few months but after we got use to each other and our likes and dislikes it was  and is fantastic.
It was hard to get used to having someone watch out for me, still is. I am fiercely independent but on the positive side having your best friend and other half as your partner watching out for you is a very powerful support system. He has brought me to this day, back writing and challenging my future. (thank you bubs) you think all of your actions are so small and inconsequential, however to me, he is my rock and my version of a saviour, what he has done for me I can never put into words to express how much it has meant to me.

We both have our two best friends to thank for getting us together and out of our hermit shells long enough to meet each other and move into a new hermit shell (together this time).
We vacation with our matchmakers and play cards with their kids at their kitchen table.
They are the craziest couple, and I truly am grateful to them.
This our story (Me & G) not much to tell, just a small town story of boy meets girl.
Thanks for stopping by my loves

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