Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I have recently seen a therapist again to get help with my life issues, I had mentioned before I have seen therapists but didn’t find one that fit with my personality, and felt they were of no help to me personally. In June I had an appointment meeting with a new therapist and it went way better than previous times. YEY! Don’t give up if one therapist didn’t help you, I learned my lesson after giving up for years that you need to explore different options until you find a good match.
Tracking back to previous posts I had discussed my anxiety and how I felt it was because of my depression, but after speaking with and research I have learned that it is the opposite. My anxiety is not under control and has been affecting my life negatively resulting is my other life issues I have mentioned in my “Circle Posts”. Everything that my therapist was like a light bulb going off above my head glowing brighter and brighter, each words out of his mouth was on point and would help me understand what I was going through. I never realized how much my anxiety controlled my life, I always thought it was sadness holding me back but in fact its fear of the unknown. That is my kryptonite fear of the un-known.
Speaking with someone who understands how anxiety works the ins and outs and how the brain thinks is such an amazing experience, I am someone who loves hearing how things work so that I can file that away in my brain and everything makes sense to me that way. I am looking forward to future appointments with my therapist to get a better hold on my anxiety. I am currently letting my anxiety control and live my life for me, this is not how I want to live life and I hope this is a great step into the right direction.
I will post more in the future on how my progress is going, and future understandings of my anxiety, from my appointments to help others.
I will be working on stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing through so that I get use to moving past my fears of the unknown and in hopes that by doing so on a regular basis I will eventually be comfortable with the unknown, wish me luck loves.
Below is some info on my anxiety disorder: being diagnosed was eye opening to read trough and realize YES…that is me! There is a reason for the way I function!
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry, that is, apprehensive expectation about events or activities. This excessive worry often interferes with daily functioning, as individuals with GAD typically anticipate disaster, and are overly concerned about everyday matters such as health issues, money, death, family problems, friendship problems, interpersonal relationship problems, or work difficulties. Individuals often exhibit a variety of physical symptoms, including fatigue, fidgeting, headaches, nausea, numbness in hands and feet, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, bouts of breathing difficulty, difficulty concentrating, trembling, twitching, irritability, agitation, sweating, restlessness, insomnia, hot flashes, rashes, and inability to fully control the anxiety. These symptoms must be consistent and ongoing, persisting at least six months, for a formal diagnosis of GAD.

Thanks for stopping by my loves

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