Monday, July 13, 2015


Here in Alberta, summer has officially just started and yet I am focused on how much is left on my Christmas list. Yes I am one of “those” people; a Christmas Obsessed Looney Bird! That’s me!
Christmas is my favourite time of year and holiday it just warms my home with all of the twinkle lights and everyone’s festive spirit. We all bond knowing it’s the time of year we are reminded to show love to our family, friends and loved ones and spread cheer to everyone.
I decorate the first chance I get in November and don’t take the décor down until Jan 2ish. It’s always a said say when I have to take everything down and box it all up, my home feels so empty afterwards.
Enough chatter about how obsessed I am with the holiday and to get to the reason why I am writing this post.
I see so many people around the last few weeks/days of Christmas so stressed and hating the Holiday because they have a million gifts to buy, they are already beyond busy and it seems cash runs through their hand like water.
I am here to say it pays to be the early bird! I have two gifts left on my Christmas list and its summer still. I start in February by making a list of who Id like to buy for and create a note in my phone. I make it a habit to always have my ears open in Jan/Feb/March to what friends and family mention in conversation, I will quickly write it down in another note list on my phone under Gift Ideas. I try to think of things by brainstorming on rainy days by going on Pinterest or Etsy and searching what my family have pinned to be sneaky! I am very into finding the perfect gift that someone wouldn’t normally splurge on themselves or if it’s something simple or homemade that I know they would love.
I then start every month and take a small portion of my monthly free spending budget and pick a gift on my Christmas list and buy it and put it away and mark it down on my notes list on my phone so I don’t forget. I do this every month and by the fall I am done! I have not broken the bank or maxed out a credit card come November and December and avoided the hassle and stress of the holiday season!
When it comes to Christmas time, we all like to go out to the shops and experience the Christmas spirit of gifting and giving, so I will pick up a few nick knacks to add to some gifts so I don’t feel I am missing out since 90% of my shopping is already done.
I love thinking of Christmas gifts and as long as I don’t make it about money and make it about giving joy to the ones I love, I do it throughout the year thinking a little about Christmas all year long!
I hope my tips can bring you a festive fun and stress free Christmas Season this year!

Thanks for stopping by my loves




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