Friday, July 31, 2015


I literally cant wait to share some photos from my sisters wedding this past weekend! It was beautiful, quiet, simple and just about the two of them. My sisters photographer was amazing! I somewhat obsessed with her and her amazing skills and personality.

Check her out here: Velvet Leaf Photography

I will share some snaps of the day when they are ready, until then I will gush about the photographer Kate, she was so sweet and care free and up for anything, she was personable and interested in who everyone was. I connected with her on a more personal level chatting briefly about self image and anxiety. I was only disappointed when she had to leave at the end of the night. She gave us a sneak peek at some of the photos she had snapped and the girl has some MAJOR talent I'm telling you!!
I cant wit to book her in the future for a couples session with G !
The girl is breathtakingly stunning and just the kind of person you want to be your best friend and hang out with everyday!!
Thank you to Kate and her amazing talent and personality for making my sisters day even better by your talent capturing my sisters taste in photos, I cant wait to see an share your work!
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Morning, today I wanted to write a quick update on what has been going on in my life lately. Last week was my last week of work, I worked Mon. & Tues. then helped pre-pare for my little sister wedding the rest of the week. Now that the rush of wedding planning and happenings has passed I am at home with a week 1\2 off to my self.
Its really amazing how care free I feel now that I am away from work and have made the decision to leave my job. I realize how much anxiety the job gave me and how tight my chest felt when  was their and how lifted it feels now. My only regret was that I didn't make this decision sooner, I knew in my heart for a few years I needed to move on, but I wont dwell on that, just celebrate to new beginnings wherever they may take me. Its life it can be messy and unpredictable sometimes.
I realized yesterday that I haven't had more than a week break from work in over 7 years, and I am deeply grateful to have time to just be at home with myself and be able to relax, something I completely forgot how to do.  
I know that it not possible for everyone to take time from work off but I really encourage that if work is consuming how your are feeling in an un healthy way that you take a step back and put yourself first, I have never done that till now and it has put me at peace in away I never expected.
I wish I could take a month or two off and really discover who I am away from work, but I am grateful to have a few weeks before I need to lock down a new job and start having a pay cheque come in to pay bills.
Hope your week is going great my loves
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Monday, July 27, 2015


My first haul via the blog!

I have three weddings coming up in the next few weeks and I needed to do some shopping for makeup supplies. (Key word here: NEEDED). Anyone and everyone who has seen my beauty room/office would highly disagree with me. In my defence its not all for me, its for wedding clients. I as a favour to friends and family if they ask will do their makeup. This year I have my sister, and two friends weddings to help with.
I thought it would be fun to show some pics of what I made sure to re-order or stock up on and a few things I was dying to just try out. Id love to get into more of my fav products and why in future posts or any looks or beauty routine questions as well as future posts. For now this is a nice easy one.
Thanks loves! Any questions - just let me know.
Jaclyn Hill x Becca Cosmetics Highlighter in: Champaign Pop!! Most beautiful highlight ever, this is a must if you like your highlight to be on major fleek!
I had heard of reviews on this bronzer, all being positive and how smooth and long lasting it was. I thought I would try it out, OH EM GE!!! Just swatching it gave me goose bumps, its so smooth and pigmented and just blended like the best mix of a cream yet still a powder finish, YAAAASSS!
I have used this lil beauty the last week, I would say for anyone who has fair skin and don't want to run into their bronzer looking patchy, cakey or fake, that this is your best fiend! It makes you very bronzy in a very natural way, its a little light on my skin but I know using it on my sister of lighter skin than I, would be perfect!

Becca Under Eye Brightening Corrector: I have major dark circles and thought I would give this a try, I have yet to give it a go though, I will let you know my thoughts if you are wondering.

How beautiful is this magnified picture of the Becca blush in Song Bird, the perfect summer colour, this is my first Becca blush and I am obsessed with the pigmentation and quality, cant wait to get my hands on more shades! I know they will be my future go twos!
Stila Eye Shadow Palette in Soul

Nars Creamy Concealer
Kevyn Aucoin Highlighter in Candle Light, I have high hopes for this highlighter as I love Starlight so much!
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Friday, July 24, 2015


Morning yall!

Ill apologise for the fact the these are I phone snaps, but it the fastest way for me to take pictures right now, I am hoping to upgrade my skills in future posts!


These photos were in the Jasper, AB area.
Thanks for stopping by loves

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I thought today I would do a quick post on how important a weekend away can do wonders for clarity, focus, anxiety and become something you know you have to make more of a priority.
G and me are notorious for spending our weekend at home focussing on making sure we are working hard for our future, we rarely take vacations, however the last two years we have tried to make it a priority to do weekend away no matter how big or small, if its a year we are not taking an actual vacation.
A few weeks ago with our ride or die vay-cay couple we headed off to the city to see a country concert and do a road trip. Our friends are the best, they always make me laugh and after a really hard week at work that's exactly what my mind needed. I needed to be preoccupied and get away with people who make me laugh and get me out of the worries that usually consume my every day life.
On the way back from the city we took the long way home and travelled through the mountains stopping to see waterfalls and look out points, it really made my trip and in so long I was able to focus and feel somewhat relaxed.
I realized how important it is to get away from home and work and evacuate the immediate area that your day to day life takes place in. Don't get me wrong its never okay to run from any issues as I believe they will flow you no matter where you go, however its important to get away and see that life isn't about work and stress and what's not going right, and always looking forward to that ever far away dream that life will be perfect. Getting away puts that all to the fore front of your mind instead of a distant thought in between constant work problems. Waterfalls and beautiful scenery stays with me while I get back to normal life and I am able to remember those moments away where my anxiety was eased, which help me so much I have realized.
Whether your weekend away is camping near by in a tent on a budget or a quick trip to the city and back through the mountains, remember what will work for me might be better altered to fit someone else slightly. Do what's best for a weekend away, whatever can make you relax is what's important to focus on sometimes rather than the rat race.
Ill share a few snaps from my weekend soon.

Thanks for stopping by loves 

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Monday, July 20, 2015


Hello loves,

June 20th was the day of my little sister wedding shower, it was a simple and quiet day celebrating her future wedding and showering her with love.
We decided on a brunch theme and had it out doors on a beautiful day in a friends back yard along the river.
I hired an amazing photographer and friend to take a few photos for the bride as a nice keepsake to remember the day. Here are a few.
Ill apologize for the picture overload now....

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Friday, July 17, 2015


Just a quick post today loves, I usually have great instincts, if they don’t make sense at first later on down the road they usually fall into place and the pieces fit together.
Lately I have been thinking that writing again has given me a purpose and passion in life, and passion leads to success, (well at least that’s my beliefs). My dreams are to expand this blog in the future and have it look like so many of the blogs I look up to with beauty fashion and just jaw dropping photos. That is a dream of mine, but I have had the thought this last few months of maybe why my journey to the last dream I mentioned is going to be so long. Maybe, just maybe? My bigger dream will be writing my journey in life through anxiety and overtime putting my posts into a book? Dare I dream so big and bold?
I have always limited my dreams to be realistic and attainable for fear of being uncertain if they could ever be possible. I now say why not dream big, if I ever do reach my big and biggest dreams in life I can look back and at least know I wasn’t scared to think there was a glimmer of hope for them.
There is no harm in dreaming big, but there is harm in not dreaming due to fear…
Let my dreams be written and heard and fear sink to the background of my thinking and focus on life’s possibilities and not put limitations on myself, may you do the same, dream big loves.
Thanks for stopping by loves
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I have recently seen a therapist again to get help with my life issues, I had mentioned before I have seen therapists but didn’t find one that fit with my personality, and felt they were of no help to me personally. In June I had an appointment meeting with a new therapist and it went way better than previous times. YEY! Don’t give up if one therapist didn’t help you, I learned my lesson after giving up for years that you need to explore different options until you find a good match.
Tracking back to previous posts I had discussed my anxiety and how I felt it was because of my depression, but after speaking with and research I have learned that it is the opposite. My anxiety is not under control and has been affecting my life negatively resulting is my other life issues I have mentioned in my “Circle Posts”. Everything that my therapist was like a light bulb going off above my head glowing brighter and brighter, each words out of his mouth was on point and would help me understand what I was going through. I never realized how much my anxiety controlled my life, I always thought it was sadness holding me back but in fact its fear of the unknown. That is my kryptonite fear of the un-known.
Speaking with someone who understands how anxiety works the ins and outs and how the brain thinks is such an amazing experience, I am someone who loves hearing how things work so that I can file that away in my brain and everything makes sense to me that way. I am looking forward to future appointments with my therapist to get a better hold on my anxiety. I am currently letting my anxiety control and live my life for me, this is not how I want to live life and I hope this is a great step into the right direction.
I will post more in the future on how my progress is going, and future understandings of my anxiety, from my appointments to help others.
I will be working on stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing through so that I get use to moving past my fears of the unknown and in hopes that by doing so on a regular basis I will eventually be comfortable with the unknown, wish me luck loves.
Below is some info on my anxiety disorder: being diagnosed was eye opening to read trough and realize YES…that is me! There is a reason for the way I function!
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry, that is, apprehensive expectation about events or activities. This excessive worry often interferes with daily functioning, as individuals with GAD typically anticipate disaster, and are overly concerned about everyday matters such as health issues, money, death, family problems, friendship problems, interpersonal relationship problems, or work difficulties. Individuals often exhibit a variety of physical symptoms, including fatigue, fidgeting, headaches, nausea, numbness in hands and feet, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, bouts of breathing difficulty, difficulty concentrating, trembling, twitching, irritability, agitation, sweating, restlessness, insomnia, hot flashes, rashes, and inability to fully control the anxiety. These symptoms must be consistent and ongoing, persisting at least six months, for a formal diagnosis of GAD.

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Monday, July 13, 2015


Here in Alberta, summer has officially just started and yet I am focused on how much is left on my Christmas list. Yes I am one of “those” people; a Christmas Obsessed Looney Bird! That’s me!
Christmas is my favourite time of year and holiday it just warms my home with all of the twinkle lights and everyone’s festive spirit. We all bond knowing it’s the time of year we are reminded to show love to our family, friends and loved ones and spread cheer to everyone.
I decorate the first chance I get in November and don’t take the décor down until Jan 2ish. It’s always a said say when I have to take everything down and box it all up, my home feels so empty afterwards.
Enough chatter about how obsessed I am with the holiday and to get to the reason why I am writing this post.
I see so many people around the last few weeks/days of Christmas so stressed and hating the Holiday because they have a million gifts to buy, they are already beyond busy and it seems cash runs through their hand like water.
I am here to say it pays to be the early bird! I have two gifts left on my Christmas list and its summer still. I start in February by making a list of who Id like to buy for and create a note in my phone. I make it a habit to always have my ears open in Jan/Feb/March to what friends and family mention in conversation, I will quickly write it down in another note list on my phone under Gift Ideas. I try to think of things by brainstorming on rainy days by going on Pinterest or Etsy and searching what my family have pinned to be sneaky! I am very into finding the perfect gift that someone wouldn’t normally splurge on themselves or if it’s something simple or homemade that I know they would love.
I then start every month and take a small portion of my monthly free spending budget and pick a gift on my Christmas list and buy it and put it away and mark it down on my notes list on my phone so I don’t forget. I do this every month and by the fall I am done! I have not broken the bank or maxed out a credit card come November and December and avoided the hassle and stress of the holiday season!
When it comes to Christmas time, we all like to go out to the shops and experience the Christmas spirit of gifting and giving, so I will pick up a few nick knacks to add to some gifts so I don’t feel I am missing out since 90% of my shopping is already done.
I love thinking of Christmas gifts and as long as I don’t make it about money and make it about giving joy to the ones I love, I do it throughout the year thinking a little about Christmas all year long!
I hope my tips can bring you a festive fun and stress free Christmas Season this year!

Thanks for stopping by my loves



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Friday, July 10, 2015


Happy Friday loves! I have been meaning to do one of these posts for awhile now, a few pictures via my I phone. Not the best quality but gives a glimpse into what I snap day to day.

Just arriving in Sylvan lake at sunset, to spend the weekend with a friend, this place is beautiful and I loved every minute of the trip, it had been 20 years since I was last there.

Drinks at Bravo in Sylvan, which is the nicest out door bar and patio with a view right across from the lake. Its a must if you are in town their and want to people watch with a view while eating some fab appys! 

Sitting by the river in my home town and loving every minute of hearing the river flow with the tree shading me and my sister and friends next to me, great day!

Clutch is Kooba from

Thanks for stopping by loves

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