Friday, October 30, 2015


Me & G managed to take a quick trip to California at the beginning of October for a week. We flew to Palm Springs as a quick decision trip to relax before all of the Alberta snow came and we were trudging through it up too our knees.
We both needed a getaway and it had been three years since we had been in Palm Springs (we both love the slow pace of it). Last year we went to Vegas for a few days. We try to do a trip every few years.
We slept in, went out for brunch, window shopped, went on walks, went out on date nights and ate watching the sunset over the mountains and swam in the pool for hours and hours until I looked like a raisin, I know what a pretty visual! Right?! LOL. We even watched a few movies while in the pool sipping on cocktails. It might sound like the most dull vacation ever, but I like the slower pace to life versus the go go go… my idea of a vacation is exploring at my leisure.
Usually a week is plenty, however this time when it came to leave we weren’t ready to go home and we are both really missing the California sun. I would jump back on a plane for another week or two if it was possible, but it’s time to accept reality and plan our next trip.
I would love to do an annual trip somewhere and every other year go back to Palm Springs, however we like to save towards retirement and the future and when we save a little extra take a trip. Here’s to winning the lottery!! Right ladies!!! I can dream cant I?!
UN fortunately I didn’t take any pictures worth sharing, so I apologize! Next time!
On the travelling list for the future is: Ireland, Hawaii, Nashville, Stage Coach (Palm Springs), Grand Cayman, Greece, Bora Bora, Bali, Germany, Laguna, ……the list goes on.
I am trying to decide between Hawaii and Ireland for my 30th birthday in a few years, any advice or tips I would love to hear!! A Beach or Adventure? I have another 4 years soooo I guess I got some time still lol.
Thanks loves

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