Monday, November 02, 2015


Where do I begin? I don’t want this post to read as un-grateful or not appreciative of the fact that I unlike many others do have an employment one that does pay my bills and provide me with the necessary income to maintain food and shelter. I know that that is not the case for many people and it is not something to forget and appreciate, I do and I am very grateful for the life and positive things I do have.
However let’s get real and have a chit chat about life lately. I left a job I loved doing for 7 years because of a negative environment and chose to do something completely different and out of my element, it has been a whirl wind to say the least.
The people are kind, the job is interesting and different, very different. I am unsure if I am the correct fit almost every day that I work, feeling as though I am failing at every task I do, unless that task is stuffing envelopes, that’s my jam, lol.
I don’t know if it’s because it’s the type of job that takes a long time to grasp and be effective at or if it’s because I am actually like I believe to be true struggling at a job that is in fact the in correct fit for me.
Is this natural for a new job? I haven’t done this in so long I’m completely out of my element, and it’s really taxing on me, when I try my hardest but still feel discouraged by the amount of mistakes I am making.
Is it best to have a conversation with my employer being honest that I feel like I’m struggling?
Do I accept that I am not the right fit and leave?
Do I? Should I? Leave now versus staying and 6months down the road I still am not right for the job but the longer I stay the more time effort and money they spend on training when they could be training someone who would be a better fit?
I just want to be an honest person who works hard, enjoys their job and is working towards a positive attitude and lifestyle a little more each day.
Thanks Loves

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