Friday, September 11, 2015


Feeling like life is leaving you behind like your failing at change and focusing on where your life “should be” rather than remembering to focus on small changes do add up, the big overall picture, maybe you are changing? Am I?
Feeling as though you can no longer talk about the struggle/rut you are in to your loved ones as you feel pathetic for the years passing by and the circumstances have not changed but only gotten worse. Feeling as though you are hindering your partner’s life by living in limbo and not putting forth the effort to change, that would benefit your relationship, and be what he deserves.
Feeling like the life you dream of is only capable if you can lose weight and control your anxiety, you seek treatment but feel overwhelmed by their strategies because you can’t seem to initiate them into daily life or even remember them.
Feeling as though this is your life, just accept it…..
All of these feelings, yet I know they are just that feelings…..
I am feeling sorry for myself and feel as though the above words are all excuses, I know that deep in my mind behind the fogginess and confusion that’s all that it is, excuses and a patterned behavior I call my life…what feeling I have that is the strongest is HOW DO I STOP FEELING THIS WAY…it’s not simple, maybe for some people, not for me. How do I move past the excuses and break the cycle and turn it into the life I want?
Sorry for the ramble and if it seems winey at all, sometimes it’s nice to just write and get my thoughts out of my head in hopes that I can have a break from them for at least a little while.

Thanks my loves

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