Monday, August 24, 2015


I fight with myself in an internal power struggle, focus on others and make them happy so I can be a selfless human being which in turn should make me happy in theory right?
While this does work for a short period of time, after the happiness and smiles have faded from helping whatever or whoever, I feel un happy again and wonder if I am going about this in the wrong way, my thinking is that by putting myself first before the ones I love and say no to favors and helping friends will make me a bad person, I will loose those relationships and not be needed since my whole life revolves around what I can do for the people I love, but it does take a toll on me, I sacrifice my time and life to make others happy and supress any needs I have of my own.
Is it doing damage to myself to be focusing on others, it seems so wrong to say that, however its wrong to be sacrificing and not putting myself first is it not?
I have been feeling like I need to draw the line and create boundaries for myself. If it doesn't hurt my life in a negative way by putting things in my life behind helping others than the answer is yeas, if I have plans or goals for myself I need to put them ahead of anything anyone asks of me. Its okay to say no to others, or maybe even in my situation healthy for myself to say no at times. It wont make me a bad person to say no, I cant feel guilty and let that consume me, if  I say no then I need to focus on what I was going to do in my life and know that its healthy for me to put myself at this time in my life above pleasing and helping everyone with their happiness.
Wish me luck as drawing the line is going to be challenging for me
Thanks for stopping by my loves

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