Monday, May 25, 2015



When I hear something on TV about how they came from a small town with only two stop lights, I get a little laugh out of it. I come from and live in a small town with no traffic lights. Not one. Yes that small.

I love where I live….most days. There are days where I wish it was a little bigger of a centre and I could go on a date to a fancy restaurant where I can dress up or go out for brunch and drink mimosas without a care with the girls. Sometimes it would be nice not to have to travel hours and hours to get to a shopping centre or for appointments and to have more opportunities, these are all things that I do think about and maybe one day would prompt me to make a change, but for now I will continue on with the positive and amazing things that keep me here.

POSITVES: My family is all here and so is most of my boyfriend’s family. I could never live far from my niece and nephew….I go through withdrawals of their hugs and cuddles after three days of not having them, yes I know dramatic. Their faces are just so darn adorbs! They light up my life and bring an endless amount of joy into it.

Knowing virtually everyone you see as it’s such a small town, you all know each other, wave to each other and stop and chat on the street catching up with all they are doing. Going for a drive and knowing exactly every back road and alley and knowing while your lost in nature and the beautiful open space surrounding my small town, I know I am not lost as I belong and feel I belong a connection I have yet to feel while visiting any  other cities in this province. It’s an indescribable feeling knowing you belong and have a sense of community.

A community that when someone is in need can do amazing things and join arms together and support the people we know and love and have watched grow up us around us. So many times this community shows its can rise above small town gossip and be there for others in emotional or financial support.

In the end with its drawbacks, its home and I feel it is intertwined in my soul and identity. If I ever leave it will never leave my heart. It is my home and always has been and always will be.

I stare out my home office window and type this watching the trees sway in the wind and budding in the spring sun. This place is beautiful, the people I love in it and all the positives make small town living right for me. Its familiar surroundings give me support and peace.

May the place and space you call home give you the same feelings!

Thanks for stopping by loves

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