Friday, May 29, 2015


I mentioned this before, I love reading my favourite blogs every morning with my daily cup of coffee.

I thought I would share a few blogs with you today that I just adore and what makes me love them.


Amber Fillerup Clark is an amazing fashion and lifestyle blogger, she has an outstanding fashion sense and the body of a super model. She shares her favourite fashion pieces and is a braid genius. She currently lives in New York with her beautiful family, her little A is the best thing to cheer you up on a bad day, and his smile in all of her pictures just makes my day. Amber also has great traveling trips & tips and such breath taking photos I could stare at them all day and avoid my work. Her beauty is sometimes unbelievable. I adore her style and how well her blog is put together. Follow her on all social media as well for a daily dose of beauty and A’s cuteness!

Andee Layne creator of The Honeybee Blog is by far my favourite blogger. She has a down to earth style with a bit of an edge I just la la love! Her blog is my go to for style inspiration as I believe it reflects my own style well. I also love that she offers affordable picks as well from places like Windsor and Forever 21 and more. Her blog is down to earth as well detailing her life with her perfect lil family. Her kids are so beautiful! I like how she is so genuine and sweet. I wish I could just run into her on vacation in Palm Springs, although I wouldn’t want to disturb her on vacation and would probably freeze up! Andee is a total stunner and I adore her and her blog. The Mommy posts she writes offer great tips for those readers with lil babes. I shamefully want everything she posts about, I am such a little groupie. I love her Instagram as well!

Cara is the girl you want to chat with for hours and jot down all her advice and tips and not miss a word she says. Her blog is so sweet and caring and thoughtful. Her posts appeal to all age groups! She has launched her own makeup line too. It’s great for beginners wanting an easy way to as she says (HAC) highlight and contour and affordable too. Cara has many videos for hair/makeup/skin & more! Her tips and tricks are explained very well and she genuinely blogs to share and help others. She’s a total babe with two cute boys and an amazing beauty ability that is so natural and care free and easy!

Katey of COF is the cutest sweetest smartest lil thing! She has grown her blog so much in so little time, its amazing to watch when you follow her! Her posts are well put together and she offers up her knowledge for free which is a total bonus because she has brains and beauty when it comes to the blogging/Media/PR world. Her blog differs from mine as she shares her love of Jesus, which I love about her even though my blog is the opposite. She has a super fun style and I love her new blog design, its a-maze-ing!!

Other amazing blogs:  (comfy and stylish outfit posts with a preppy girly flair)  (amazing skin care tips)  (love reading her life posts)  (amazing hair posts and strength from this blogger)

Many more bloggers I follow, these are just a few. I would love to hear about your favs!
Thanks for stopping by my loves





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Wednesday, May 27, 2015



I have always acted older than my age, I believe my whole life I have acted years older and felt older through the childhood I experienced. This is something that my younger sister and I share, and as this year moves forward we are discovering we share many more things in common.

Even though we are four years apart my younger sister and I we have found a connection that has grown stronger and stronger the last few years. Granted she still sees me as her crazy-weirdo middle sister which I proudly accept, we have begun to point out things that are so similar between us.

We will text each other the same picture without knowing, order the same food, and end up reaching for items at the exact time. Say movie quotes at the same moment. Have an outlook on topics identiacal to one another’s. Our weirdest yet was discovering we had a headache at the same time, in the same spot and on the same side, the list goes on and on. It’s so fun to realize your sisterly connection and look at each other and gasp, “WEIRD!” we are doing the same exact thing! I love it.

Do you guys have any stories of your sisterly connections?

I also love hearing and reading about twin connections, it’s the neatest thing don’t you think!?

It’s an amazing thing to have a sibling, I am so grateful for mine and my younger sister who I adore and am so proud of and am starting to share such an amazing and fun connection with.


Thanks for stopping by loves
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Monday, May 25, 2015



When I hear something on TV about how they came from a small town with only two stop lights, I get a little laugh out of it. I come from and live in a small town with no traffic lights. Not one. Yes that small.

I love where I live….most days. There are days where I wish it was a little bigger of a centre and I could go on a date to a fancy restaurant where I can dress up or go out for brunch and drink mimosas without a care with the girls. Sometimes it would be nice not to have to travel hours and hours to get to a shopping centre or for appointments and to have more opportunities, these are all things that I do think about and maybe one day would prompt me to make a change, but for now I will continue on with the positive and amazing things that keep me here.

POSITVES: My family is all here and so is most of my boyfriend’s family. I could never live far from my niece and nephew….I go through withdrawals of their hugs and cuddles after three days of not having them, yes I know dramatic. Their faces are just so darn adorbs! They light up my life and bring an endless amount of joy into it.

Knowing virtually everyone you see as it’s such a small town, you all know each other, wave to each other and stop and chat on the street catching up with all they are doing. Going for a drive and knowing exactly every back road and alley and knowing while your lost in nature and the beautiful open space surrounding my small town, I know I am not lost as I belong and feel I belong a connection I have yet to feel while visiting any  other cities in this province. It’s an indescribable feeling knowing you belong and have a sense of community.

A community that when someone is in need can do amazing things and join arms together and support the people we know and love and have watched grow up us around us. So many times this community shows its can rise above small town gossip and be there for others in emotional or financial support.

In the end with its drawbacks, its home and I feel it is intertwined in my soul and identity. If I ever leave it will never leave my heart. It is my home and always has been and always will be.

I stare out my home office window and type this watching the trees sway in the wind and budding in the spring sun. This place is beautiful, the people I love in it and all the positives make small town living right for me. Its familiar surroundings give me support and peace.

May the place and space you call home give you the same feelings!

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Friday, May 22, 2015



Since I can remember I have felt this connection to the night sky……..

This sounds very odd and weird as I type it and put the words to paper instead of thinking them just in my head. Forgive me if I sound like a looney tune. Or maybe some of you will read it and know exactly what I mean, let’s hope it’s the latter.

I can remember climbing onto the roof of my childhood home and laying on the roof finding content in staring at the stars gazing out into the universe feeling the warm summer nights wind brush through my hair. Rooftops continued to bring me a certain comfort when I moved out of the home I grew up in and into an apartment. I would climb out the window and sit for hours. The rooftop visits have halted in my current home as it’s a bit too steep to be safe. I have moved my star gazing to the front step.

After a stressful day or a night out, coming home to sit on the step and stare up at those beautiful stars shining through the dark night.

It’s difficult to explain but in all of life’s chaos everything seems to go quiet and still when you stare at the stars. It’s just you and the world and time freezes, the night can go on forever and the morning a distant worry. The stars shine down and make you wonder about your life in a way that doesn’t cause worry or anxiety but hopefulness. The starts are filled with possibilities and opportunities to come. I am at peace after a stressful day and can re-focus and re prioritise and dream of my life’s ambitions. The stars hold a wonderment about them and shine so bright through such a far distance making me feel someone else is staring at them doing the same thing at that exact moment in time, feeling the same way I am. A feeling of belonging washes over me and I begin to appreciate what I do have and feel grateful for being alive.

I go to bed with chilled limbs and bring a warm blanket up over myself and close my eyes, feeling connected to the world.

I have never told anyone of my star gazing habits and roof top shenanigans….. I wondered why I felt so peaceful and the stars calmed any feelings of anxiety I had. I had hopes of the loved ones above sending me the beautiful stars to look at and calm my nerves. Whatever the stars hold on me have maybe it’s better left a mystery to just enjoy. Do any of you feel the same staring up at the night sky?

To all my fellow star gazers –

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I am sure you all have noticed as I mention it in all my postings, I am an auntie and it brings me so much joy and happiness. The love of my littles has always brought light into my life, even in the darkest of times. When I could see nothing positive and retreated into a far away place, their small hand reached through the darkness and gave me happiness and hope. Mighty spirits my littles have.

I thank the universe above for their sweet little bodies that run towards me every single time they see my face. Scream with joy and open arms to embrace me in endless love. They can uplift my mood and remind me of what’s truly important in life and preoccupy my thoughts from negative to thoughts of love and laughter.

I will have been an auntie for a decade as of today. Happiest of birthdays to my Mousey. The soul that first made me an auntie. May your tenth birthday and all to come be blessed with love and opportunities, May your path in life be lite by the love of your family. I hope one day when you’re older you can read this post and realize what a blessing your sweet soul was to me when you entered the world, you forever changed my life and made it for the better. Your unconditional love for me has brought me through some of the darkest moments in my life. You know nothing of what you have done in your life for me and your little soul is only ten years old. You are a special gift from the heavens above and I am so blessed to be your auntie. Hearing your footsteps bring a smile to my face and heart.

I hope you become all that you aspire to be and find happiness in life and find and feel love every day. I hope that no matter what happens or what you do, you know I will love you. I hope you will come to me no matter the circumstances and know that I will always be here for you.

I am blessed to have more than Mouse, when I thought I couldn’t be a more blessed aunt; more entered the world, it is an amazing opportunity to be able to watch you all grow and watch your personality develop. You have made my life so rich, I hope I can do the same for every one of you.

You auntie is always here with arms wide open for you

 Lots of love my little's

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Monday, May 18, 2015



"It can happen so fast
or a little too late
Timing is everything"
GARRETT HEDLUND - Timing Is Everything

Lyrics can bring light into your life and soul and speak to you like nothing else can. I am a lover of music and the power it has to evoke emotion or trigger a memory that was once so distant but clear as day when the words stream through your ears and into your head and heart.

This song has been on my mind lately and it doesn’t help that I am somewhat mildly obsessed with the movie it comes from. (Lie) Totally obsessed. Guilty.

Timing is an odd thing if you think about it, things happen I believe as they should, and it can happen fast or a little too late, timing is everything. It has meaning behind it. It might not make sense when it first happens but there are lessons in looking back on the timing of events. Do you agree?

There is a reason you go through things in life at certain times, to make you stronger, wiser, and better your future. Just remember to look back and think about the timing of everything and learn from its lessons.

I have just began to understand the timing of my life, I have been guilty of not being present in my life; meaning I just sit back and go oh next Monday, oh no no, next Monday. Sound familiar to anyone? I have been stuck in this attitude for so long it makes me cringe. I promise myself ill work on trying new things and accomplishing goals, but it never happens, and I feel life slip away. I feel I should have accomplished certain things by 26 and start to compare myself to others.

I am not them, and that is okay. That is their journey and I do not know the ins and outs of their story.

The timing of my life is a little later of a learning process, I have hopes that everything is now falling in place. I may move at a turtles pace but I will have learned so much along the way and be a better person for it. I need to constantly remind myself of this as "Comparison is the thief of Joy". This is the timing of my life, and I will get to the destinations I desire along the way whenever that may be. I need to keep trying and know that timing is everything.

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Friday, May 15, 2015


Oh the embarrassment of looking back at old pictures throughout the years. My wild hair and dirty face in all of its glory for you to witness! A glimpse into my childhood in photos. Enjoy the memories of years gone by, and in the future this blog will be an archive of present and future pictures of my life’s journey. One I hope to look back on and smile, remembering the little things in life and the moments that the pictures will remind me of. I am excited for the years to come and pictures yet to be taken and shared.



 Thanks for stopping by loves


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Wednesday, May 13, 2015


CLINK CLINK… raise your glasses, cheers to the future and may it bring possibilities and hope to all those that need it, including myself.

I need to come clean and talk about something that I have been dealing with for a long time now, and since it’s been a constant topic in my life I feel it necessary to address it and move on, maybe it will help others out there, or someone who has gone through a similar situation which I’m sure MANY MANY people have, we can all share stories to encourage and propel us forward. I’d love to hear them!

I have been stuck in a job rut for many years, I won’t go into depth about the specifics as why I am choosing to leave because I want to stay professional and respectful. I will say that I have been staying at my current job for the last three years out of fear. Fear of what’s beyond this job and what could happen if I chose to leave it. The secureness of knowing how to do my job and not knowing what I’d do without it, but at the same time knowing I was holding myself back and that it was playing a huge role in my un-happiness. I haven’t been loving what I do as a job for many years and feared that leaving it to find something else would be a mistake so I lived in limbo of what decision to make, and how to make a decision, (something I struggle with). Living in limbo is no life to live. I thought what would happen if I made the wrong choice?! There’s lessons to learn, so if it’s a mistake to leave my job I will learn it and at least know, but not taking chances and making changes won’t improve my happiness any, so I know I need to move forward.

I made a decision in March of this year to give notice at my current job of almost 7 years. I have no potential job in the future for when I am done at my current position, something that does worry me but also sets me free. I am free. I am liberated. I am hopeful. I am confident. My job isn’t my life, and it will all work out.

Life is way too short to go to work and spend 8 hours doing something that affects your overall happiness. If any of my words are striking a cord with you, I hope to help you in your decision. Find your passion, listen to life as it whispers quietly, and trust in yourself and the future that everything will work out. It will. I trust. Do you?

I am scared, what will I do. How will I pay my bills? What if there isn’t a job I will like? I am loyal, how will I feel leaving a company I have worked for so long? I have never been in this situation before.  How will I find a job, especially in the small populated town I live in, however as I mentioned before, I know I have to do this. I need to do this. I am doing this…….

To the future and what it holds, may I let change guide me and show me the path I need to travel. May my passion of starting this blog and writing inspire me to move forward and make the choices I know In my heart I need to make. Let me see where life may lead me...

I hope this helps someone going through a similar situation, as it’s all very confusing and un-charted territory for me, and I’m sure others. Good luck loves. TO INFINITY AND BEYOND – BUZZ LIGHT YEAR.

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Monday, May 11, 2015



I am still struggling with the thoughts of making my blog perfect, or as perfect as I am capable of. It is a topic that is intertwined in my daily life and way of thinking.

I compare what I want to write and express to what I know I should write, thinking that maybe my readers want to see pictures, fashion & beauty and not read the ramblings of a lost soul. I have to push through the ideas in my head of wanting to be perfect and write REAL. Don't get me wrong, I hope some days to be light and breezy and post beautiful photos of moments to be remembered and my love for all things beautiful, but today I am here......


This quote brings me back to reality in my struggle to be perfect and not real. I shall ramble on about real thoughts in this head of mine in hopes that this is the path I need to be on. Not the path of making my blog appear as everyone's but as my own and publish what I am thinking, letting my blog grow in a natural state showing my growth as a person as I work towards getting closer to my goals and finding out who I am as a person.

I will remember that their is no shame in starting out from the bottom and growing towards progress. For me and I'm sure others its not possible to start out with where I want to be in life but simply just make the decision to start and TRY.

To others in the universe, if their is something in your life you are scared to do because the thought of being perfect is holding you back, STOP. If I can try and put myself out their in hopes of finding what I need/want, so can you. JUST TRY, no shame in starting somewhere. To the lost souls, I am one of you but in writing this blog and fighting the notion to be perfect I hope to find my REAL definition of perfect: Being real and being me.

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Friday, May 08, 2015


I am a MAJOR Blogger and YouTube reader/watcher. Ever watched a “Get To Know Me Tag” on YouTube? (If not, they are so fun to watch!) I thought a fun way to continue my GET TO KNOW ME POSTS would be to write a blog version of the video tag!  Here we go……


What is your middle name? My middle name is Leigh

Share your favorite subject in high school: Art class was by far my fav.

What is your Favorite drink? Nestea natural blackcurrant iced tea

Favorite songs? I love music so i cant pick just one: LZZY-All I Want to Do Is Make Love To You;SIXS DUBSTEP REMIX,  Digital Animal; Honey Claws, The Illest; Far East Movement,  Sparks; Hilary Duff,  Colorful; The Verve Pipe,  Blue On Black; Kenny Wayne Shepherd,  Talladega, Hungover & Hard Up; Eric Church,  Mad World; Gary Jules,  I Do; Luke Bryan,  Simple Man; Shinedown,  Silver Wings, Give into me; Garrett Hedlund,  Under Your spell; Desire,  Staring at the Sun; Jason Aldean,  Sunny and 75; Joe Nichlos, This Empty Northern Hemisphere; G.A.I ….I should stop as i could go on for three more pages, sorry loves!!

What is your favorite color? Black and shades of Black. That's a color right??!!

What is your favorite animal? Raccoons (I wish I could domesticate one as a pet!)

What is your favorite perfume? Lancome est la vie belle

What is your favorite holiday? By far Christmas! I love everything about it and love all the traditions! It such a warm fuzzy feeling and content that warm my heart.

On a scale from 1 – 10, rate your childhood:  6?

Have you been out of the country? Yes, to California and Nevada

Travel Hopes: Ireland, Hawaii, Jamaica, Cayman islands, Cuba, South of France, Cabo, Nashville, where else? Ideas? Id love to hear from you and your travel hopes and plans.

Do you speak any different languages? Nope, sure don't, don't have the talent to do so.

Do you have any siblings? Yes, two stunning sisters

What is your favorite store? Hautelook

What is your favorite restaurant? LAVO

Did you like school? No, i disliked it, but I was very shy so it was a more difficult time for me.

Who are some of your favorite Bloggers? Andee Layne, Amber Fillerup Clark, Cara Loren, Maskcara, Mint Arrow, Tanya Burr, Rachel Barkules, Freckled Fox, just to name a few.

What is your favorite movie? I La La La La LOOOOVE movies, so its impossible to name one, I do Love Rock Star, and I am watching Country Strong as I type this.

What are some of your favorite TV shows? Shameless, Californication (ended), Sons of Anarchy (ended), That 70s Show (ended), Friends (ended), Sex and the City (ended), Entourage (ended), Seeing a theme here? Tell me your favs as I need to find some, as mine are all over.  (Inset crying emoji here), Brooklyn Nine Nine, Last Man On Earth, Kardashians, and more….I like T.V…. Probably too much.

PC or Mac? PC… Macs scare me, but maybe one day ill make the switch.

What phone do you have? I Phone

How tall are you? 5, 4

Do you have any pets? No, but maybe a fur baby someday if I can convince my significant other.

Thanks for stopping by loves!



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Wednesday, May 06, 2015


I’m Dani Leigh, fashion, beauty and blog obsessed, but mostly I just watch Netflix on the couch.
My personal resume would read:
Total goober when I'm overtired
Fluent in “Movie Quotes”
Totally obsessed over protective auntie and sister
Movie and Music enthusiast ….and…Dinosaur obsessed
Comedian (my family disagrees)
Worrier and sometimes procrastinator……… (the sometimes part was a lie)
Day Dreamer and Star Gazer
I started The Vanilla Life after being blog obsessed for years, I wanted to express myself in a blog too, but I held myself back for a long time before going through with it. I looked at all of these beautifully artistic and successful blogs and thought why would I even try, I am nothing compared to their amazing life styles. After a long process of thinking and learning many life lessons I decided my blog didn’t have to be like the others I loved so much, it could just be mine and if anyone happened to read it and like it, that would make my day, but in the end it’s okay to be, as long as I tried to do things I love. I lead a very normal (Vanilla) Life and its worth sharing because that is something I love to do (sharing). I love my Vanilla Life, and I hope you will too.
Full Name: Danica, Nickname: Dani Leigh
Where do you live? I live in Alberta, Canada in a town with snow over 7 months of the year!
How old are you? I am 26
Are you married? Kids? Siblings? No I am not married, but in a committed long-time relationship to my best friend, that’s all I’ll say for now as he’s shy. No, no children. Yes siblings, I have two beautiful sisters.
What does The Vanilla Life mean? Where did the name stem from? Time to fess up, years ago watching the TV Show “The Hills” (plz. tell me I’m not alone in loving it at a time) and hearing Kristin say the term “Vanilla” in reference to someone not as exciting as others. I always said I so have a Vanilla Life! I’m a Vanilla Girl and I’m 100% okay with that. I thought that be the perfect way to keep my blog true to who I am by using that as its name, as I want my blog to read as me in hopes to let other girls know, just because you live a very normal life or “Vanilla Life”, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with that. I have learned to try not to compare but embrace and enjoy my life, (I’m trying). I hope you will too.
Lifestyle Section, what can I expect from this section: I am choosing to post anything I am feeling passionate on writing about at that time in my life. (E.g.), life memories, goals, dreams, aspirations, lessons learned, motivation, “girl talk”, traveling, family, “real life chats” and day to day happenings. I hope this section to be the heart of my blog where I can express myself in an open forum and share my life and thoughts.
Fashion Section, what can I expect: In this section of the blog I will be posting outfits of the day (OOTD), outfits of the night (OOTN), fashion posts, sale posts, fashion haul posts and more. This section will be a work in progress, the reason why is if I am being honest and that is my intention with my blog; is my self esteem is a work in progress I hope by posting fashion pictures I gain the confidence I desire and also inspire others as well.
Beauty Section, what can I expect: I will be writing about my fav beauty products, tips and tricks, makeup/product breakdowns, & more.
My blog hopes and goals: I hope that by starting a blog I use this as a platform to express myself and inspire others. I hope to blog as an expressive outlet to better myself, my life, and others lives as well. I have felt so lost the past few years, one of my goals is to start writing posts and get back to what I loved as a kid; being creative. I hope this to give me direction in life. I hope to lead a more active and engaging lifestyle, taking chances and making changes. I want to be a better writer and learn the world of blogging. I want to have passion and be passionate about blogging and learning. Please feel free to comment on postings as I would love to hear from you and make myself some cyber friends!
Thanks for stopping by loves!

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