Monday, November 16, 2015


Late night posting has me thinking of everything I have been guilty of trolling the internet of, I thought id share my guilty obsessions as of lately. Enjoy loves.




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Friday, November 13, 2015


Tis the season...fa la la la la la la!

I love this time of year, its truly my favorite season and holiday. I love re searching holiday looks and finding the style that fits my mood.

I thought I would do a short post with some looks I am loving for the Holiday Part Season.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Forever 21 items I am loving lately.
Hey loves its been awhile since I am been on forever 21, very unlike me I know!!
I went on and picked out some winter must haves, here are my favs my loves.
Items are clickable by pictures, thanks for stopping by loves

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Monday, November 09, 2015



A personal value is an individual's absolute or relative and ethical value, the assumption of
which can be the basis for ethical action. A value system is a set of consistent values and measures.
A principle value is a foundation upon which other values and measures of integrity are based.

Today’s thoughts as I brainstorm a much longer post and make public my values. This is something I am excited to do but want to do the proper amount of brainstorming and thinking to write accurately.
I am one of the most indecisive people you will meet and even when I make a decision it will haunt me for days, weeks, years, decades on “if” is was the right one. An interesting homework assignment from my last therapy session was to think of my values and keep them close to me, I like to write so I’m choosing to write them out here.
Once written or thought of I can use my values to help guide my decisions, I like this idea. If it fits into my values and what I believe I should be able to make choices more easily and live with my choices more easily as well.
Let the brainstorming session commence.   

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Friday, November 06, 2015


This past Summer & Fall I have noticed the trend of marble being incorporated into accessories, clothing, home décor & more. I have to be honest and say I’m a total junkie for it!!
I love simple designs and neutral color palettes with a hint of texture, marble fits right into that category perfectly. 
Let’s see what am I guilty over; marble notebooks, marble pillow, marble phone case, marble art, marble backdrops/photo props and if I had my way a lot more…but I can’t seem to get my hand on it in this li lol home town of mine.
I thought it be a fun change up to share some inspiration pictures on the trend and see what my take is on it. Below are images via Pinterest on how I incorporate into my life.

I love the idea of mixing simple marble designs with rich black leather pieces, chrome/ gold accessories with light nude fabrics, black and white art, warmer touches mixed with cool tones as well.
Another great option and a fun way to mix it up is to incorporate small marble pieces like a candle holder or tray, and pops of tropical palm leaf prints, accented with bold chrome and black and while color palettes.

Follow me on Pinterest here:
I love home décor…..just not the price tags of things!! Again it’s hard in a smaller town.
Slowly but surely I’ll get there, and even when this marble trend fades, I’ll still be all about it!
Thanks loves

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Wednesday, November 04, 2015


I love quotes, I can’t help it. I love the written word and when it can inspire in such few words and be able to resonate with your soul it’s a magical thing.

Here are a few quotes I have been loving lately.



Thanks for stopping by loves
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Monday, November 02, 2015


Where do I begin? I don’t want this post to read as un-grateful or not appreciative of the fact that I unlike many others do have an employment one that does pay my bills and provide me with the necessary income to maintain food and shelter. I know that that is not the case for many people and it is not something to forget and appreciate, I do and I am very grateful for the life and positive things I do have.
However let’s get real and have a chit chat about life lately. I left a job I loved doing for 7 years because of a negative environment and chose to do something completely different and out of my element, it has been a whirl wind to say the least.
The people are kind, the job is interesting and different, very different. I am unsure if I am the correct fit almost every day that I work, feeling as though I am failing at every task I do, unless that task is stuffing envelopes, that’s my jam, lol.
I don’t know if it’s because it’s the type of job that takes a long time to grasp and be effective at or if it’s because I am actually like I believe to be true struggling at a job that is in fact the in correct fit for me.
Is this natural for a new job? I haven’t done this in so long I’m completely out of my element, and it’s really taxing on me, when I try my hardest but still feel discouraged by the amount of mistakes I am making.
Is it best to have a conversation with my employer being honest that I feel like I’m struggling?
Do I accept that I am not the right fit and leave?
Do I? Should I? Leave now versus staying and 6months down the road I still am not right for the job but the longer I stay the more time effort and money they spend on training when they could be training someone who would be a better fit?
I just want to be an honest person who works hard, enjoys their job and is working towards a positive attitude and lifestyle a little more each day.
Thanks Loves
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Friday, October 30, 2015


Me & G managed to take a quick trip to California at the beginning of October for a week. We flew to Palm Springs as a quick decision trip to relax before all of the Alberta snow came and we were trudging through it up too our knees.
We both needed a getaway and it had been three years since we had been in Palm Springs (we both love the slow pace of it). Last year we went to Vegas for a few days. We try to do a trip every few years.
We slept in, went out for brunch, window shopped, went on walks, went out on date nights and ate watching the sunset over the mountains and swam in the pool for hours and hours until I looked like a raisin, I know what a pretty visual! Right?! LOL. We even watched a few movies while in the pool sipping on cocktails. It might sound like the most dull vacation ever, but I like the slower pace to life versus the go go go… my idea of a vacation is exploring at my leisure.
Usually a week is plenty, however this time when it came to leave we weren’t ready to go home and we are both really missing the California sun. I would jump back on a plane for another week or two if it was possible, but it’s time to accept reality and plan our next trip.
I would love to do an annual trip somewhere and every other year go back to Palm Springs, however we like to save towards retirement and the future and when we save a little extra take a trip. Here’s to winning the lottery!! Right ladies!!! I can dream cant I?!
UN fortunately I didn’t take any pictures worth sharing, so I apologize! Next time!
On the travelling list for the future is: Ireland, Hawaii, Nashville, Stage Coach (Palm Springs), Grand Cayman, Greece, Bora Bora, Bali, Germany, Laguna, ……the list goes on.
I am trying to decide between Hawaii and Ireland for my 30th birthday in a few years, any advice or tips I would love to hear!! A Beach or Adventure? I have another 4 years soooo I guess I got some time still lol.
Thanks loves
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Three words that best describe my feelings and thoughts towards tattoos. I absolutely LOVE them when they are artful and well done, its works of art meaningful and close to your soul, it’s like expressing your soul on your sleeve.
I HATE one of mine that my sister convinced me to get when I was 14! Yes you reads that right, 14! It was the single most stupid thing I have done and it was done so badly that I have no idea how to go about fixing it, as when it comes to myself I like small tattoos and if I were to try and fix this awful thing on my back it would need to be large so I’m always at a loss when it comes to fixing it! Anyone know Kat Von D that can put in a good word for me? Wink Wink.
I have one small tattoo on my wrist and I am OBSESSED with getting another one around the same area with someone I love very much…GUESSES? It will take some time to decide on details and be able to book the appointment but stay tuned my loves! Ill share pictures when it happens.
How do you feel about tattoos? I love simple small and hidden ones, I’m not fond of big art pieces on myself but love them on others! I also can appreciate someone who has none because it’s so pure and clean. Thoughts?!
Thanks for stopping by loves
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Monday, October 26, 2015


Hello Loves, I decided to take a few weeks off; not intentionally or pre-planned but it still happened.

I like to stick to my schedule of posting, but sometimes life gets in the way or I let it get in the way is a more honest answer. One thing about having a somewhat invisible blog is that I don’t feel too much guilt over taking a break, as who really notices??? (Probably just me)…..

I am back to writing and posting and hoping I can get my shizz in order, poop in a group, ducks in a row, so on and so forth.

Posts that I am & will be working on:

Ø  Tatcha Skincare Review

Ø  Self-Tanner Demo, Tips & Tricks (great for the snowflakes soon to arrive)

Ø  Winter Clothing Essentials: From Forever 21

Ø  New Job Chit Chat Update

Ø  Vacation Chit Chat and Ramble

Ø  Sister Makeover (Not that she needs one)

Ø  Life In Pictures Via My I Phone

Ø  House Tour In Full Christmas

Ø  Quotes, Sayings & Inspiration

Ø  Loving In October (Products)

Ø  Trying Out: products I’ve recently purchased

Ø  Halloween Chit Chat Down Memory Lane

Hopefully these are not all topics that are a bore, and you are looking forward to some!

I’m always up for suggestions as well on what you would like to see.

Thanks for stopping by loves

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Monday, October 12, 2015


My last therapy session went better than I had expected, not that they are ever disappointing I like therapy and like my therapist I believe it’s a good match. However I was feeling down the whole week leading up to my appointment and wasn’t sure how it was going to go.

I started to talk and just let the tears come, I had never cried in front of my therapist but he dealt with it great and let me have a few moments to collect myself and wipe away the tears streaming down my face.
I told him that while the options he had gave me to work on for my worrying and anxiety had helped they did not at all touch the negative thinking. We had also worked on some strategies to help my negative thinking and while my brain did try to use those strategies it wasn’t helping.
One of my goals in therapy is to change and become the person I have wanted to be for as long as I can remember, however that’s when my session took an unexpended turn.
He stated I don’t think you are ever going to live without negative thoughts and self-hatred you have hard wired your brain like well-maintained machine, what could be the best approach is to not fight it but accept it.
He compared my internal struggle in my mind with my self-hatred and negative thinking to a tug of war with a monster, in the middle is a deep trench filled with spikes and I’m on one end of the rope and the monster is on the other. The monster is winning and dragging me in, I won’t win this struggle there is no strategy to win, but what I can do is drop the rope.
DROP THE ROPE…THAT’S IT DROP THE ROPE, my self-hatred won’t simply disappear by doing this but the struggle and tug of war will end. I am no longer battling with the monster IN A VISIOUS TUG OF WAR. I can see the monster on the other side of the trench. Meaning my thoughts have not gone away nor will they ever perhaps, but I can choose to accept this and choose to carry them with me, it’s a burden but if I choose to carry them I’m freeing myself from the struggle. I am giving my mind a much needed break, and while the thoughts are still with me I can try to identify that that’s what they are only thoughts and not what is necessarily true and for some moments in time they will fade away and I can focus on what I am grateful for in life.
This is me, dropping the rope, I might pick it up from time to time and see if I can win the tug of war but I know the outcome and I know what I need to practice now to see if it helps, drop the rope and carry on.
I found the comparison my therapist gave me very interesting and my mind can picture it very clear so I thought it might be eye opening to others like it was to me. Hope it helps someone out there.

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Friday, October 09, 2015


I have been on the hunt for some liquid lipsticks, I love the look of them and wanted to add some to my collection, I decided to try a few nude shades from ColourPop Cosmetics, besides the great price point I have tried their eye shadows, lippy sticks, lip liners, and highlighters.
I wasn't sure about them because f the fact that they were described as Ultra Matte, I have to say I am in LOVE and impressed! They go on so smooth and thin but pigmented all at the same time. Its such a perfect combination. They are really comfortable to wear and I love the colours I ordered.
If you are interested in the matte liquid lip products don't hesitate to order!!!
I think these are amazing colours for fall and know they will be I heavy rotation this fall season for me!


Swatches from left to rght: TRAP, SHIMMY, MIDI & VICE
SHOP HERE  (If you fancy)
Thanks loves
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