Friday, September 22, 2017


While sitting at home, pretty much mothering my kitten and watching Netflix, lets be real here. I brain stormed ideas on what I could do for a possible job sin the future.

Ideas I had:

Cat Mom............Income........$0-0 dollars. Well that was a big nope.
Professional Aunty.......yah no such thing, also pays zilch.
Nanny for my sisters.......they didn't ask so I don't think that would have been an option.
Day Home... honestly sounds exhausting trying to keep my house tidy behind lil ones.
Work at the Clinic/Hospital.....Not for me (I just knew deep down) I always trust my instincts.
Working at a School...valid option I love children and think it be super fun.....
Event Planner, seriously considered this option however it wasn't financially plausible to me.
Business Venture with my sister (needed to plan over a few years) Top Secret..Shhhh....

That was as far as my brain storming went.....

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