Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Week three has been in a way kind of funny if I think about it day to day. What I mean is one day I think hmm I’ve gone to large, the very next day I’ll think you can hardly notice a difference and I made the wrong decision. This repeats itself over and over and over again. I’m at the point where I just kind of chuckle at what I will think each day. I believe I won’t know my final opinion until 4-6 months have gone by and I am close to the final end result.

Week three I have been sleeping back in bed every night consistently, I wake up a little sore but I’m sleeping not too bad throughout the night. The only medication I take now for post op is Advil once in the morning if I feel swollen and usually every night.
I have changed my tape three times now, the third time I noticed my incisions were closing together and 74 percent looked like it would heal in a very small discreet line. I have a few places where there are still scabs and it looks like it needs more time to see how it will heal. I have zero bruising left, I feel stronger and more mobile. I have seen a few slight stretch marks develop on my left upper pole, I had been using coconut oil twice a day, however the oil made my incision tape moist and that left my skin very irritated. I re taped and have stopped using coconut oil and ordered some palmers lotion to use. I still have two weeks of taping to do and don’t want to get them tape wet/moist, when showering I’ve been holding a thick towel in front to protect the tape. I’ll be happy when I can be done with the tape! I have been less sore each day at work, at night I’m usually ready to go to bed and rest. I still have swelling and am sore as well as I still have some numbness in areas.

I have developed hypersensitivity recently. NOT FUN but completely common. Everything and I mean everything hurts and kind of feels like a slight burn when it touches my skin. Loose shirts, surgical bra, blanket…everything. I have been doing massage to try and re-introduce my nerves to touch and hoping this doesn’t last too long.
I’m looking forward to weeks 4 and 6 to start exercising and working towards other goals.  

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