Friday, February 03, 2017


I know that one of the biggest questions when it comes to any plastic surgery procedure is why?
My reason has been cemented for over a decade. Like I have stated before, I have wanted this since I was 15, yes that’s young but when you know your body and genetics and have already gone through puberty and a young age, I realized things that I wasn’t happy with. I did not act on booking a breast augmentation surgery until this year for reasons I’ve explained in a previous post.  
To keep on topic this post is not explain the reason I’ve chosen to get a breast augmentation but to share, as I feel no need to explain myself because this is something I did for myself and for the right reasons.
I have always had small breasts, and while that is perfectly fine and beautiful for some, it doesn’t fit with my body shape or personality. I’m someone who loves women’s bodies, boobs, buts, curves, love it all!!! I always felt less womanly for not having bigger breasts, I couldn’t fill out a dress or bikini top, and never wore things like that when I was younger, I discovered super padded bras and that helped immensely, but as a women you want to feel beautiful naked and I have never been happy with my breast size, I love a fuller look, I’m all for curves and that Kardashian womanly healthy shape.
Some people see getting this procedure as trying to please others or conform to a popular look like the last name I mentioned above, however I know that is not what I’m doing despite anyone else’s thoughts. I’ve thought this through, researched till there’s nothing more to research. There is one person I’m doing this for and that is for me.
If you don’t support plastic surgery, you’re entitled to your opinion as much as I am to mine, however I am a supporter of plastic surgery and beauty alterations/improvements when done the right way and for the right reasons.  That’s me. That’s me reasons. Theirs your answer.

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