Friday, February 17, 2017


I wasn’t sure if I was going to write anything about my breast augmentation surgery after it happened, however I’m thinking it might be nice to record the after process, and re-read it looking back.

SURGERY - I wasn’t scared or nervous the days leading up to the surgery I was very confident in what I was doing and mainly just excited for it to be finally happening.

My call time for surgery was 7:30 a.m. I was really pleased with my time, I was the first into surgery and I didn’t have to wait anytime that day for it to happen, I did paperwork, bloodwork, had my antibiotics and was asked to then walk into the surgery room, I remember laying down having my arms out flat........then I remember waking up with lots of pressure, very nauseous and I had to pee soooo bad!!!

After four hours of recovery I was sent home.

FIRST THREE DAYS -  the first two days I was in pain but nothing unbearable, I iced regularly and that helped with swelling a ton. I don’t deal well with nausea so I was happy when that got better on the third day. On day three I had my post op appointment with my surgeon. He said everything looked good and re stitched my left side as it had a loose stitch. He went through the important information and aftercare steps as well as what to expect. I could send in photos to check in since I’m an out of town patient and at four months I would have a follow up visit with him. My augmentation could take longer to fluff and drop, so to not be alarmed, I would heal at a slower rate. I will say, I trust and really liked my surgeon I made the right choice for myself in going to him, I felt confident and safe, plus I LOVE HIS STAFF, they are the sweetest prettiest women,

WEEK ONE: I flew home on day four and spent day 4-10 at home resting. I wasn’t able to sleep in bed, as a side sleeper as soon as I was in bed I would fall asleep and roll onto my side and wake up in pain. The couch worked well with 2 pillows propping me up and the TV to watch in and out of napping. The first week I was prescribed pain medication and I used it as needed, it did make me itchy and twitchy which was annoying but manageable. Some days all I would do is sleep some days I only had one or two naps. Every day I felt a little stronger but about the same amount of pain which was manageable as well. I had someone cook for me and check in on me the first week, I did get out of the house once to help my sister with my sweet niece Marra. I changed my bandages on day 5, and was bruised and still swollen, which left me wondering if I had gone to small in implant size.  

WEEK TWO: I went back to work on the 13th, I have my surgery the 3rd. I have a desk job so I feel I was ready to go back and get into my regular routine. Every day I feel more capable, stronger and more normal. The pain is manageable with Advil in the morning, afternoon and evening. I am still slightly bruised and still have a lot of upper chest swelling, however I’m starting to see more of a shape to my breasts and this week I’m feeling very thankful I didn’t go any bigger in implant size, I’m 450cc in right and 425cc in left. I’m wearing a size large sports bra 24 hours a day, (the first 3 days I wore an underwire surgical bra) I’m measuring as a 38 C. I won’t go bra shopping until my size is more official at 4-6 months. I change my tape every 5 days for a month. At the second tape change I still have some bruising and some pinching around my nipples where I have internal stitches. I sent in pictures to my surgeon and he said my healing looked great and on track, which put my mind at ease. I am concerned about scarring. I had my nipples lifted during my breast augmentation which meant I have internal stitching all the way around my nipples. With my larger implant I run the risk of my scars around my nipple stretching into a wider formed scar. If it heals to wide, my surgeon said he would want to fix the scar to be thinner and less noticeable. My goal would be to have as little scarring as possible as I’m sure most women want, I’m nervous and crossing my fingers my nipples will look great and normal after a few months, as well as my scarring to look normal. I did invest in some scar cream and hope that will help. Week two, I still have upper chest swelling, breast swelling, nipple bruising and a ton of tenderness in the lower portion of my breasts. My nipples have become extremely sensitive and wearing anything leaves me very sore throughout the day, it’s still early out of surgery so I’m reassuring myself this is all part of recovery.

I’m looking forward to healing! Bring on the weeks to come.


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