Friday, August 26, 2016


Hello Loves

I had a very interesting weekend, unlike my usual Saturday Clean & Sunday Netflix and Chill days. I left for up North, Friday after work. I made a two ½ hour drive to visit a friend I knew in Elementary/Middle/High School. We had re connected through Facebook. We had messaged long letters and began texting as well. Discovering we shared may similar struggles, so similar in fact it was undeniable the connection we shared, the only weird thing was why so many years had passed and we hadn’t realized it. Life is very curious that way! Don’t you agree?

I arrived by supper time pulled up behind her awaiting white SUV. We squished each other with hugs and I felt filled with excitement. I followed her back to her beautiful new home and we sat and visited till the wee hours of the night. I rarely feel comfortable enough to stay somewhere, however I ended up staying till Sunday at almost supper time!

We are already planning my next visit to see the fall leaves up north, I couldn’t be more excited!

My visit left me high on shared emotional struggles, I drove home at peace from my demons for a few hours, which gave me a much needed break. I hope the same for her as well.

Till the next visit!

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Q: When was the first time was your heart was broken, and how did it change you?
A: I was 17 and I will forever be grateful for it because it taught me how I wanted to be loved and how I didn’t.
Q: What are you passionate about?
A: being creative and the creative process.

Q: If you had the courage to do anything you wanted, would it change the choices you make?
A: Absolutely. I would take a lot more risks if I had more courage to block out the fear of failure.   

Q: You come home one day and your living room is filled from floor to ceiling with avocados. What do you do?
A: Guacamole, anyone? (I can’t think of a funny joke…dammit)

Q: Men are pursuers; women are gatekeepers. True or false?
A: True (although I perused my partner, someone had to step up when were both hermits)  

Q: You wake up tomorrow in the body of the opposite sex. What do you do?
A: I look over at my partner and try to see what they have seen for the last ten years.

Q: Who do you love?
A: Those who need nothing but love from me

Q: Are you afraid of flying?
A: No never! I love ascending and descending it’s such a thrill!

Q: What's the most amazing sexual experience you've ever had?
A: No AC/July/Ice Cubes…..

Q: If you had a chance to spend two weeks camping in the desert by yourself, far from any civilization, would that sound fantastic or awful to you? What about if there were one other person with you? How about five?
A: I would actually love to be by myself in seclusion, it’s something that I dream of, to have the opportunity in life to have soul “me time”. However this is not my dream scenario. I would prefer to be far away in a mind body and soul center.

Q:What do you think happens to you after you die?
A: I Hope we are all at peace, wherever whatever that may be.

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Monday, August 22, 2016


I have never been the person to do anything for myself, it reminds me of the Friends’ episode “The one where Phoebe hates PBS”. Phoebe is challenged by Joey that there is no such thing as a selfless good deed, I myself never believed in doing the opposite, (doing selfish deeds for myself).
I can now say I have taken a few steps in that direction and it feels amazing! I thought that if I focused on myself and not others that would make me a bad person, self-involved and well I thought it was too selfish to do so. I went against my normal thinking and booked a few appointments that I had been wanting to do for years and years and well years!
One of the first appointments was my first of many I am sure laser tattoo removal! Yes it hurt but it was and is sooo worth it! The joy and excitement I felt in my inner core of my being for doing something %100 just for me was beyond rewarding. It’s sad in a way to think I have deprived myself of doing things solely for me for so long.
I now think twice before casting any judgement on others when I hear or see them doing things like getting their hair done, nails, spray tan, surgery etc. If it is just for you and something you have thought long and hard about or something small you do monthly to treat yourself, these things are NECCSASARY! Treating myself and spoiling myself makes me feel well its silly to say but I’ll say it with honesty, it makes me feel worthy.
Strange how that works isn’t it? I didn’t think I was worth anything so why bother doing things just for myself and doing such things would be so selfish, turns out it’s the opposite, I feel worthwhile and special making myself number one.
This just might be on ongoing journey….stay tuned……….

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Friday, August 19, 2016


I know I have mentioned this a few times, but it helps to write it out and let the words be typed and saved to my blog.

My intention for starting my blog was to express myself in an open forum and let it all be public to those who may stumble across my words in hopes that it may help someone going through something similar.

I write anything I feel like it, I have an overall layout to my blog but for the first while it has just been posting mostly text posts and few beauty things here and there.

I still struggle with periods where I don’t write anything or feel as though it’s pretty silly to have the blog in comparison to other successful blogs. I have to remember why I first did this, it was to simply create. One word: CREATE.

I’m starting to feel a lot of pressure (put on by myself) to be a lot further in my goals for the blog.

My goals are (mentioned before).

  • Fashion style section with photos
  • Beauty posts
  • Fun styled shoots
  • More of my life in pictures
  • Then sharing this all through beautiful pictures on my social media celebrating my blog

However I’m still not comfortable doing so, I live my life at a sloths pace so I needn’t expect my blog to change in a short amount of time. If only I could remember that every time I go to post!

I love this quote to end out this posting: “little by little you’ll get far”.

My new blogging motto!

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Monday, August 08, 2016


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Monday, August 01, 2016


When people see my makeup obsession and collection its hard to convince them i am in fact more obsessed with skincare. Its a passion of mine that has become what i like to call a healthy justified obsession.

I have tried many many different brands and feel i am very picky in what makes the cut and gets re purchased as a favorite of my skincare line up.

My skin type and background: my skin is very dry (use to be extremely dry). I do experience breakouts from hormonal monthly changes and blocked pores as well as from time to time jawline texture.

My areas of concerns: premature aging, crows feet, fine lines, dark circles, breakouts, texture, skin tone

I love doing research, reading online reviews, online videos, logging onto my go to website Sephora and researching all ingredients and claims of the product in question. It's never a waste of time or money for me when you consider how important your skin is. You wear it everyday of your life, it can determine your age and play a huge role in self confidence.

Its no secret i have struggled with my confidence and self esteem as well as making myself a priority, however when it comes to my skin, i put it first. Above makeup and everything else I want to treat my skin right and by doing so hopefully it will love me back.

I am thinking of working on a few more skin care posts; ie:  long time loves, new additions, etc.

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