Friday, April 21, 2017


Anyone else out there have a realization in the middle of doing daily chores? For me it’s a regular occurrence. This morning I was sweeping my kitchen and deep in my own thoughts swishing around my mind and I realized, the thoughts were not mine  at all, I mean yes it was my mind thinking and producing them, but when I stopped to think about the thoughts they had someone else voice attached to them. To be honest I had noticed this before but hadn't gave it much time for fear of what it meant.

I hear Gs voice sometimes, as I forget a light on or I walk past crumbs on the floor, I let his voice narrate all of the worries I associate with him, by that I mean I worry I'm too lazy and don't keep up you cleaning the house to his desires, slack on cooking. We are our own worst critics I boost that and make it even more intense by hearing Garett's voice narrate, I never want to disappoint my loved ones and I think I create the ultimate monster to bear down on me and make sure I'm well aware of all of my worries, like its saying to me, "don't ignore me, I'm the one who keeps you from risk of failure". 

I'm not sure how much of this is making sense, I'm feeling kind of lost to the structure of writing this post, and usually I really try to make my thoughts clear in my writing.

Basically not only am I my own worst enemy I use the voices of my loved ones to critique myself and make myself even harder on myself. 

I need to remind myself that my mind loves to in any way in any voice send out thoughts of what it thinks protect myself, but in actuality from therapy I have learned they don't protect me in the way that helps my mental journey evolve and become healthy and self-loving. I will try to be more aware of not only my mind thinking these thoughts but my mind using my loved ones against me to place unwanted guilt or negativity on my day and life.

Anyone else experience this?

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