Tuesday, April 25, 2017


While Netflix-ing and chilling (what I do best) I realized my dream vacation for my 30th birthday, still two years away. I would not, will not be okay with spending the money needed to travel to Italy. Yes of course almost all trips can be done on a shoe string budget, I however am not educated or experienced in travelling and neither is G. I wouldn't feel comfortable doing things on the edge to save money on our first solo trip, they only place we have gone alone to is California, with that said i reveal my new thoughts on where I would like to go for my 30th birthday!

Laguna Beach, California! I have been doing research, it will be much more affordable and practical than Italy and if you know me, in the end I always go with what’s practical.
If any of my readers have traveling advice or activities to try in Laguna, please share. Xo xo.

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