Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Week three has been in a way kind of funny if I think about it day to day. What I mean is one day I think hmm I’ve gone to large, the very next day I’ll think you can hardly notice a difference and I made the wrong decision. This repeats itself over and over and over again. I’m at the point where I just kind of chuckle at what I will think each day. I believe I won’t know my final opinion until 4-6 months have gone by and I am close to the final end result.

Week three I have been sleeping back in bed every night consistently, I wake up a little sore but I’m sleeping not too bad throughout the night. The only medication I take now for post op is Advil once in the morning if I feel swollen and usually every night.
I have changed my tape three times now, the third time I noticed my incisions were closing together and 74 percent looked like it would heal in a very small discreet line. I have a few places where there are still scabs and it looks like it needs more time to see how it will heal. I have zero bruising left, I feel stronger and more mobile. I have seen a few slight stretch marks develop on my left upper pole, I had been using coconut oil twice a day, however the oil made my incision tape moist and that left my skin very irritated. I re taped and have stopped using coconut oil and ordered some palmers lotion to use. I still have two weeks of taping to do and don’t want to get them tape wet/moist, when showering I’ve been holding a thick towel in front to protect the tape. I’ll be happy when I can be done with the tape! I have been less sore each day at work, at night I’m usually ready to go to bed and rest. I still have swelling and am sore as well as I still have some numbness in areas.

I have developed hypersensitivity recently. NOT FUN but completely common. Everything and I mean everything hurts and kind of feels like a slight burn when it touches my skin. Loose shirts, surgical bra, blanket…everything. I have been doing massage to try and re-introduce my nerves to touch and hoping this doesn’t last too long.
I’m looking forward to weeks 4 and 6 to start exercising and working towards other goals.  

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Friday, February 17, 2017


I wasn’t sure if I was going to write anything about my breast augmentation surgery after it happened, however I’m thinking it might be nice to record the after process, and re-read it looking back.

SURGERY - I wasn’t scared or nervous the days leading up to the surgery I was very confident in what I was doing and mainly just excited for it to be finally happening.

My call time for surgery was 7:30 a.m. I was really pleased with my time, I was the first into surgery and I didn’t have to wait anytime that day for it to happen, I did paperwork, bloodwork, had my antibiotics and was asked to then walk into the surgery room, I remember laying down having my arms out flat........then I remember waking up with lots of pressure, very nauseous and I had to pee soooo bad!!!

After four hours of recovery I was sent home.

FIRST THREE DAYS -  the first two days I was in pain but nothing unbearable, I iced regularly and that helped with swelling a ton. I don’t deal well with nausea so I was happy when that got better on the third day. On day three I had my post op appointment with my surgeon. He said everything looked good and re stitched my left side as it had a loose stitch. He went through the important information and aftercare steps as well as what to expect. I could send in photos to check in since I’m an out of town patient and at four months I would have a follow up visit with him. My augmentation could take longer to fluff and drop, so to not be alarmed, I would heal at a slower rate. I will say, I trust and really liked my surgeon I made the right choice for myself in going to him, I felt confident and safe, plus I LOVE HIS STAFF, they are the sweetest prettiest women,

WEEK ONE: I flew home on day four and spent day 4-10 at home resting. I wasn’t able to sleep in bed, as a side sleeper as soon as I was in bed I would fall asleep and roll onto my side and wake up in pain. The couch worked well with 2 pillows propping me up and the TV to watch in and out of napping. The first week I was prescribed pain medication and I used it as needed, it did make me itchy and twitchy which was annoying but manageable. Some days all I would do is sleep some days I only had one or two naps. Every day I felt a little stronger but about the same amount of pain which was manageable as well. I had someone cook for me and check in on me the first week, I did get out of the house once to help my sister with my sweet niece Marra. I changed my bandages on day 5, and was bruised and still swollen, which left me wondering if I had gone to small in implant size.  

WEEK TWO: I went back to work on the 13th, I have my surgery the 3rd. I have a desk job so I feel I was ready to go back and get into my regular routine. Every day I feel more capable, stronger and more normal. The pain is manageable with Advil in the morning, afternoon and evening. I am still slightly bruised and still have a lot of upper chest swelling, however I’m starting to see more of a shape to my breasts and this week I’m feeling very thankful I didn’t go any bigger in implant size, I’m 450cc in right and 425cc in left. I’m wearing a size large sports bra 24 hours a day, (the first 3 days I wore an underwire surgical bra) I’m measuring as a 38 C. I won’t go bra shopping until my size is more official at 4-6 months. I change my tape every 5 days for a month. At the second tape change I still have some bruising and some pinching around my nipples where I have internal stitches. I sent in pictures to my surgeon and he said my healing looked great and on track, which put my mind at ease. I am concerned about scarring. I had my nipples lifted during my breast augmentation which meant I have internal stitching all the way around my nipples. With my larger implant I run the risk of my scars around my nipple stretching into a wider formed scar. If it heals to wide, my surgeon said he would want to fix the scar to be thinner and less noticeable. My goal would be to have as little scarring as possible as I’m sure most women want, I’m nervous and crossing my fingers my nipples will look great and normal after a few months, as well as my scarring to look normal. I did invest in some scar cream and hope that will help. Week two, I still have upper chest swelling, breast swelling, nipple bruising and a ton of tenderness in the lower portion of my breasts. My nipples have become extremely sensitive and wearing anything leaves me very sore throughout the day, it’s still early out of surgery so I’m reassuring myself this is all part of recovery.

I’m looking forward to healing! Bring on the weeks to come.


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Friday, February 03, 2017


I know that one of the biggest questions when it comes to any plastic surgery procedure is why?
My reason has been cemented for over a decade. Like I have stated before, I have wanted this since I was 15, yes that’s young but when you know your body and genetics and have already gone through puberty and a young age, I realized things that I wasn’t happy with. I did not act on booking a breast augmentation surgery until this year for reasons I’ve explained in a previous post.  
To keep on topic this post is not explain the reason I’ve chosen to get a breast augmentation but to share, as I feel no need to explain myself because this is something I did for myself and for the right reasons.
I have always had small breasts, and while that is perfectly fine and beautiful for some, it doesn’t fit with my body shape or personality. I’m someone who loves women’s bodies, boobs, buts, curves, love it all!!! I always felt less womanly for not having bigger breasts, I couldn’t fill out a dress or bikini top, and never wore things like that when I was younger, I discovered super padded bras and that helped immensely, but as a women you want to feel beautiful naked and I have never been happy with my breast size, I love a fuller look, I’m all for curves and that Kardashian womanly healthy shape.
Some people see getting this procedure as trying to please others or conform to a popular look like the last name I mentioned above, however I know that is not what I’m doing despite anyone else’s thoughts. I’ve thought this through, researched till there’s nothing more to research. There is one person I’m doing this for and that is for me.
If you don’t support plastic surgery, you’re entitled to your opinion as much as I am to mine, however I am a supporter of plastic surgery and beauty alterations/improvements when done the right way and for the right reasons.  That’s me. That’s me reasons. Theirs your answer.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2017


I’m writing this post less than 72 hours before my big decision happens…………….I’m getting a breast augmentation. I will post this Wednesday at 7:00 am, exactly 24 hours before my surgery happens.
I have wanted to do this since I was 15 years old and have been savagely saving for the last few years, It hit me last August that I had saved enough to have it done, then at almost the exact same time I realized I wanted to be at my goal weight before I ever let myself have the surgery, and in all honesty I have never been further from my goal weight in all of my life. So, what was I to do? Put it off yet again, I had never token the path of financing the procedure because I was never at my goal weight, I was highly depressive or completely consumed by my anxiety, there was always a reason in my mind to not pursue it, even though I have wanted this and researched this for over a decade!
So you would think when I realized I had the means to book the procedure, but was so far away from goal weight, I would once again use that as my excuse and punishment to not invest in something for me. I stood there for a moment, my therapy twisting its way through my thoughts; my thoughts of the need for perfection, my therapy thoughts burst to the surface and a lightbulb clicked on. No matter what weight I am at, I’m not any less worthy of doing things for myself than if I was closer to goal weight. While losing weight is still an almost minute to minute background thought for me, I for once had a different outlook on my self-worth.  Why was I constantly punishing myself, beating myself down into the dirt when it came to doing something solely for myself? I took the biggest leap of faith, picked up the phone and booked consultations for the procedure.
Four months later and while I have had a few rough days, I still am 100% sure this is the right thing to do. No, I’m not at goal weight or even close, or even on track. I however do everything for others and rarely anything for myself feeling as though I am never worth any ounce of self-love as I have been in this weight struggle for so many years and feeling as though I’m slowly getting deeper and deeper, my head no longer above water. That’s where I hope this “leap of faith/push of self-love” will help.
Do I expect this surgery to fix my problems with self-esteem, self-image, and self-love?  Bluntly, Hell no.
I am however still going through with the procedure out of self-love, I am worth investing in myself, by doing this an pushing against all of my feelings of perfection I’m changing my minds timeline of when I think it’ll be okay to love my self (when I’m perfect). I’m rewarding myself for who I am know and what I have managed to change in therapy and life this last year or so. Maybe, by doing this I will want to take care of myself more inside and out, maybe losing weight will be easier now that I’m doing something I really want, despite imperfect circumstances.
At least that’s my logic, motivation into the time of this procedure. The reason for wanting a breast augmentation is solely personal and one I have thought about for over a decade and highly researched. This is for the first time, just for me, and while I’m struggling today with thoughts of weight issues, I know I’m doing this for the right reasons.   
Here’s to being open & honest Xo

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