Friday, December 09, 2016


To everyone who I have done makeup for or to anyone who has so sweetly asked me to do makeup, I thank you. It is extremely flattering that you would trust me to enhance your beauty and be a part of your special day or occasion. It truly is an honor.

I have no formal training in makeup, I do however have a huge passion for all things beauty related. I have enjoyed making all of you feel beautiful. I never thought by agreeing to do a few of my friends and families makeup that I would soon be doing grads, local photo shoots and weddings! It has been nerve racking and also very exciting and rewarding.

With all of that said, I would like to let everyone know I will no longer be doing makeup as of 2017. I have thought about this on and off the last few years. I love doing it, however it has become more of a side job than I have the time for, as well as it is becoming hard to say no.

I do believe I will miss it, however it is time to make a decision. I am choosing to no longer take makeup jobs on the side as of January 1, 2017.

For those who have booked for grad in 2017 I will honor all appointments already booked and I will open a few more spots as well.

Thank you to everyone

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