Friday, December 16, 2016



Please know I am sorry if you felt pressure from me this week about talking with me.
Now that I reflect it makes me sad that I put any type of pressure on you, it’s unfair of me to do that. I never want to be the girl who demands things or is unreasonable, I want to be kind, supportive and loving, always.

I know that words and serious topics are something you struggle with, as I have many struggles myself and you never pressure me to move past them if I am unready, I should not have done that to you. I can sometimes get caught up in my frustrations and emotions, I am truly sorry.

I love who you are as a person and you are an amazing man, I love you very much. I don’t want to change you, and I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.

I am trying to look at the positive side, I feel like as a couple we are always learning and working together to make each other happier & better people. Looking back and reflecting on a situation that may have been difficult can make me gain a lot of prospective and for that I am grateful.

Ultimately I trust you, I trust that you love me as much as I love you, I trust you that our relationship is important to both of us and I trust our future together. I trust us.

G, whenever the words find you, I’m here to listen.

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