Friday, December 30, 2016


Christmas is over as sad as I am to admit it, now approaches the new year with never ending new years resolutions.
I actually enjoy new years resolutions  and usually write them down in my phone as a note and re-read them every few months as the year goes by, ill admit that I am guilty of having the cliché resolutions of being healthy and getting fit both resolutions I have yet to accomplish.

I wrote down in my phone new years resolutions and what I wanted to accomplish in 2016.

Here's the re-cap:
· To find adventure—  realization, life is an adventure itself, and my life is my adventure.
· To try new things—  I have and will do more in the year to come
· To go out of my comfort zone—  I did, but not as much or as far as I would have lied to
· To appreciate everyday/stay positive—  I have been trying daily to remind myself of this
· Learn new things—  I have learned a lot in therapy in 2016 and am very proud of that.
· Make dreams happen  I'm making one happen this February and I am beyond excited!
When I was scrolling through my Instagram feed this week I seen an amazing post by @erinelizabethstudio, the very talented and kind girl who helped me with some rebranding for my blog in 2016! She stated she wasn't going to resolutions for 2017 but instead try to live by some of her favorite quotes.  That post lit a spark in me, I knew I wanted to, had to do it too!!

Quotes are something I love to read and gather screen shots in my phone and re-read through daily. I looked back through my favorite ones and chose only quotes that go with my values as a person. I belive quotes can really relate and speak to the values you choose to live your life by, and if you have read any of my previous posts you know I am big on values.
Here are the quotes I feel follow along with my values as a person and the life I want to live, I hope to keep these quotes handy and repeat hem to myself as often as needed. I also hope to incorporate them into my life in 2017 and into future years to come.

Thanks loves xo

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Morning loves


Today I’m sharing some of my favorite photos from my niece’s first photoshoot with local photographer: Samantha Rose Photography.
Who can resist looking at baby photos!? I know I can’t.
P.S. can you believe Christmas is this coming weekend!!!


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Monday, December 19, 2016


I have been feeling UN inspired the last while, I have been majorly lacking on regular posts and my social media feeds. I try to not pressure myself to much to write unless I know I can get words to paper effectively.

The last two weeks have been an adventure emotionally, with celebrating my friend’s wedding, getting quality time with my friends in and my new niece to discussions with G that have been less than productive. All of these events and more have lead me to write this post.

You can learn so much by taking a few days after being upset, happy, angry to examine why you were feeling that way; what lead to it, what you were thinking and how your state of mind was at that time. By remembering each event and how you felt I think I can better understand myself. I have learned that I am starting to speak up for myself in my relationship, I may apologize after to G, if I have upset him but the fact that I even express how I am feeling is something I am proud of. I never use to, maybe I am getting stronger as a person?

I was able to be in the public eye and not let my insecurities overwhelm me, I can focus on the goals of that particular situation and move aside the shame. Even if it is for a day or part of a day, I felt stronger after being able to accomplish that event.
I felt in one day how in control I could feel and began to loosen up and actually have fun, I can’t remember the last time I had fun for just myself, my phycologist once said to me, your twenty six and you have no idea how to have fun?! She was right, but for that event I had found it, even if it was short lived. I learned I can deal with smiling and crying and being angry all in one day and know that bad days, bad weeks, bad months don’t mean I’m slipping back into a deep dark DEPRESSION. It might seem like that at the time, but I can keep moving forward encountering obstacles falling down and then getting back up and climbing up towards improvement and a better me, a better life.

The past few weeks during this emotional adventure as well as it being a habit during all emotional days, I get in the shower, turn on the water and climb in, I don’t step out until I can breathe a little slower, and it always helps.  Yesterday as I let the scalding water wash my worries away for a few moments I thought to myself? I would have never been able to get through the last few weeks as well as I did a year ago, maybe I’m getting stronger?

I finished my shower walked barefoot across my bathroom floor and when I turned around a seen one single wet footprint that looked exactly like an animal footprint, I took it as a sign and smiled, maybe just maybe I am getting the hang of this thing called life. Maybe just maybe I am getting stronger.

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Friday, December 16, 2016



Please know I am sorry if you felt pressure from me this week about talking with me.
Now that I reflect it makes me sad that I put any type of pressure on you, it’s unfair of me to do that. I never want to be the girl who demands things or is unreasonable, I want to be kind, supportive and loving, always.

I know that words and serious topics are something you struggle with, as I have many struggles myself and you never pressure me to move past them if I am unready, I should not have done that to you. I can sometimes get caught up in my frustrations and emotions, I am truly sorry.

I love who you are as a person and you are an amazing man, I love you very much. I don’t want to change you, and I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.

I am trying to look at the positive side, I feel like as a couple we are always learning and working together to make each other happier & better people. Looking back and reflecting on a situation that may have been difficult can make me gain a lot of prospective and for that I am grateful.

Ultimately I trust you, I trust that you love me as much as I love you, I trust you that our relationship is important to both of us and I trust our future together. I trust us.

G, whenever the words find you, I’m here to listen.

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Friday, December 09, 2016


To everyone who I have done makeup for or to anyone who has so sweetly asked me to do makeup, I thank you. It is extremely flattering that you would trust me to enhance your beauty and be a part of your special day or occasion. It truly is an honor.

I have no formal training in makeup, I do however have a huge passion for all things beauty related. I have enjoyed making all of you feel beautiful. I never thought by agreeing to do a few of my friends and families makeup that I would soon be doing grads, local photo shoots and weddings! It has been nerve racking and also very exciting and rewarding.

With all of that said, I would like to let everyone know I will no longer be doing makeup as of 2017. I have thought about this on and off the last few years. I love doing it, however it has become more of a side job than I have the time for, as well as it is becoming hard to say no.

I do believe I will miss it, however it is time to make a decision. I am choosing to no longer take makeup jobs on the side as of January 1, 2017.

For those who have booked for grad in 2017 I will honor all appointments already booked and I will open a few more spots as well.

Thank you to everyone

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