Wednesday, May 04, 2016


The last few weeks I have wondered why I put so much of myself into others happiness and not my own. The worse I feel, the more depressed I am feeling the more I will try and make my loved ones days and lives better. That could mean buying a small gift or expensive gift I know they have been wanting or it could be as simple as an iced coffee delivered at break time.

I hardly say no, even though I have blogged about trying to stop that habit. It’s still something I struggle with.

The days after doing kinds things I am left wondering why I don’t feel that same love and appreciation back, that doesn’t mean I am angry with my loved ones for not doing what I do for them, it just makes me wonder and brews negative thoughts that I am not worthy.
I realized that I need to start treating myself the way I want to be treated by others. By this I mean I am worth taking care of.

I made a list of things I want to start working on incorporating into my daily life:

Bubble Baths
Picture Taking
Exercising including Yoga
Spa Nights; mani pedis, masks, hair masks, long hot showers with body scrubs and lotion
Gel Nails
Sitting outside in our yard listening to music and reading books

These are just a few things I want to do to indulge myself and make myself a priority, I’m starting small and working towards more goals, long time goal is that old cliché saying: Loving Myself”.

You are worth spoiling my loves, put yourself first.

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