Monday, May 16, 2016



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Monday, May 09, 2016


The title of this post is pretty self-explanatory, everything and anything to do with Alice & Wonderland I am obsessed with! I love Disney’s Alice in Wonderland and Tim Burton’s version, the new movie coming out by Tim Burton is Alice through the looking Glass, and I am soooo excited! Johnny dep’s Mad Hatter character was brilliant in my opinion.

I loved the reading the book growing up and recently bought a copy to put on my book shelf for my office.

What I adore is the concept of Alice being so lost and confused in a world that makes no sense, but who says that the world or any world has to in fact make sense? Does anything these days? I love that Alice grows with confidence and learns to become strong throughout her journey. Its words I definitely relate to and for that I would say lead to my obsession.

Anyone else obsessed with a story that has evolved into movies over time?

I’d love to hear! 

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Wednesday, May 04, 2016


The last few weeks I have wondered why I put so much of myself into others happiness and not my own. The worse I feel, the more depressed I am feeling the more I will try and make my loved ones days and lives better. That could mean buying a small gift or expensive gift I know they have been wanting or it could be as simple as an iced coffee delivered at break time.

I hardly say no, even though I have blogged about trying to stop that habit. It’s still something I struggle with.

The days after doing kinds things I am left wondering why I don’t feel that same love and appreciation back, that doesn’t mean I am angry with my loved ones for not doing what I do for them, it just makes me wonder and brews negative thoughts that I am not worthy.
I realized that I need to start treating myself the way I want to be treated by others. By this I mean I am worth taking care of.

I made a list of things I want to start working on incorporating into my daily life:

Bubble Baths
Picture Taking
Exercising including Yoga
Spa Nights; mani pedis, masks, hair masks, long hot showers with body scrubs and lotion
Gel Nails
Sitting outside in our yard listening to music and reading books

These are just a few things I want to do to indulge myself and make myself a priority, I’m starting small and working towards more goals, long time goal is that old cliché saying: Loving Myself”.

You are worth spoiling my loves, put yourself first.

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Monday, May 02, 2016


Who in your life do you spend the most time with……your mind, that machine that never truly shuts down and one that has been silently programming itself throughout the years.
In my case over the years as I’ve struggled with depression, self-hate, shame, eating disorders I have hardwired my mind to a certain way of thinking, one that does nothing but fear.
Through the ups and downs of my life my mind has learned that if you fear something than I shouldn’t go forward I should stay as I am, that way there is no consequence of failure, nothing can go wrong, right? I’ve realized that I need to thank my mind for trying to protect me, trying to avoid pain and hurt.
The thoughts of self-hatred and shame I’ve programmed into my mind because of my weight have taken a toll. My mind fears more pain and shame if I was to try and change and then what if I fail.
Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

The tactic to try and overcome my mind that is so distraught with fear it has been frozen in an ice age for the last three years……to simply thank my mind. After all it’s only trying to protect me from pain, something I’ve experienced enough of, so I’ve programmed it to be wary of everything that could cause pain.

My mind trying to protect me in the end has hurt me endlessly, I try nothing new and the situation and thought patterns there for don’t change.

I thank my mind for trying to protect me, then think what my goals are and am I letting my mind steer me towards my goals or away from them. What are my values? Is my mind steering me towards my values or away by making the decision that is in question.

The verdict: My Mind Is Not My Friend……….although it seeks to protect with all of the thoughts it send out that constantly swirl around and repeat in my brain, they are thoughts I need to diffuse. I need to diffuse from my mind…….wish me luck.

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