Monday, December 31, 2018


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Monday, December 24, 2018


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Monday, December 17, 2018


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Friday, December 14, 2018


I'm one of those people wh o reads and relies heavily on reviews, but when it comes down to writing them myself I never find the time to do it. However this fall I started to improve on writing reviews. I can be very particular so I thought I might not be so bad at writing reviews so here goes one for yah. 

I seen a girl I admire and love her honesty, give her a follow on YouTube Allie Sevdalis.Allie recommended the Revlon Pro Collection One Step Hair Dryer And Volumizer. Its a hair tool combining a blow dryer and round brush all in one system. I love the look of a fresh blowout, the volume women get from a round brush is oh so envious in my eyes but oh so hard to achieve! I know I'm not the only girl out their that struggles with the dexterity to control a blow dryer and round brush and then hair. I tried and tried but could never manage to do it, so when I seen that Allie loved the tool and highly recommended it, I dropped everything and hit one click on my amazon account! PS who has the one click option, it can be so dangerous on the wallet. 

I've used the Revlon Pro Dryer Volumizer for about 2 months now and I would highly suggest adding it to your hair tool arsenal. It gets 5 out of 5 from me. 

Why do I love this tool so much? I can actually give myself a pro blowout with loosing my mind and a round brush stuck in my hair! I was nervous that it would create heat damage and frizz but it actually does the opposite. I have never had my hair smoother, shinier, flowy and my layers volumized. 

How I use it? I let my hair air dry after wet brushing it out of the shower, then at 50% dry I spray a volumizing spray and heat protectant on my hair and go in sections with the Revlon Hair Dryer and Volumizer. 

I look forward to using this tool and seeing if any of you love it too!!

Available here:

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018


I'm so obsessed with my furry babe Miss Mellow. Sorry, if your sick of photos of my Mellow. Its just so hard not to post them all.

Here's a few snaps of my girl lately... 

Mellow is such a sweet girl, very relaxed and well....Mellow. She is on a new food and loves it!! She loves hunting for moths and napping everywhere! She recently went to see Santa and got her picture takes. YES I'm that person and yes ill probably share the picture on here for all to see weather they like it or not. 

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Monday, December 10, 2018


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Friday, December 07, 2018


A Term that is present in therapy in the last year is Humanism.

Humanism Definition: an outlook of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

In a nut shell to me, its living life by remembering that we are all human beings. Its as simple and profound as that. Todays world is a place pf separating what differences we all have, which is true we are all uniquely us. Our genetic code is not like others we are individuals. What I mean when saying to remember we are all human beings is that we all have hearts, limbs, brains, skin, eyes, etc. The exceptions of having all the same organs and way a body work makes us unique but in the end its the same. Instead of looking at what's different about everyone around you, try to see what's the same.  We all have good days, bad days, good moods bad moods, problems, accomplishments, success failures. 

Because...what is life but a series of problems we are in constant need of solving and overcoming, that's life. I choose to see the similarities in everyone instead of the differences. This for me helps evoke compassion and kindness in myself, and that's how I want to live my life.  

I respect all views and ways of trying to understand the world and others as long as its from a place of love and compassion. 

So if I never find my way, my success in life whatever that might be as I'm still trying to figure it all out, I can leave this world knowing I tried my best to live by compassion. 

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Wednesday, December 05, 2018


Who doesn't love shopping for babies!! These wool booties have become my go to gift for family and friends. You cant resist how cute they are and the fact that they are Canadian made and from the loveliest team of people. Their story is a great little read. These booties are great as they are easy to slip on and off and great for non walking and walking babes. Here are a few pictures of what you can expect from Nooks Design. 

Seller: Nooks Design

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Monday, December 03, 2018


Its always fun to dress up and go out, this time of year, well for most people that is. Me, I prefer a Christmas movie and a blanket and hot chocolate. Weather your a home body or outgoing, this time of year we are all looking for that perfect Christmas party outfit. I love seeing what's in style every year and then tailoring it to your individual style and needs.

I put together some of my favourite personal styles that I would wear, here's a warning I love the sparkle and glitter but ONLY on others, me myself I'm very plain and simple. 

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