Sunday, March 19, 2017


Where do I start....I pretty much invited myself as a tag along third wheel with my sister and her husband. It was my Idea for them to go out for drinks a nice dinner and a movie.
I knew that I was going to be fine, I have been babysitting since I was 9years old and always seemed to pull through.
.............Well I’ve met my match and was defeated, that’s for sure. My sister put Marra down for her evening nap, she slept great a full 45 mins like she was supposed to and then woke up and we smiled and laughed for a minute or two, then I made the huge mistake to tell her out loud her mom and dad had left her with me, she’s 3 months old and looks at me like she knows exactly what I just said, makes her pouty lips.....I know what’s coming next...I’m a little nervous i hate when babies cry but I think it’ll only be a few minutes I’ll get her settled.
..........Nope! Marra refuses to stop screaming, won’t take her bottle, I destroy the hotel room in the process of trying to soothe her, I try changing her diaper, won’t take bottle, playing, laying on the bed, her blanket on the floor, swinging, bouncing, laughing, stern talking, bottle again, let’s try a bath, being naked, a soother, a bottle again, being swaddled, being rocked, being patted on the back, the bum, bottle again. It’s been 40 minutes of nonstop ear piercing screaming and then she puked she was crying so I admitted defeat and called her momma. Twenty minutes later her parents are back in the hotel room, all my sister does is say hello my girl and Marra instantly stops crying, takes her bottle and then looks directly at me and grins.
……yes Marra you booger you win, you wanted your momma you got her, I caved.
I was and still am bummed out that I didn’t get to help out the way I intended do, but it will make for a good story to tell when Miss Marra is older. Picture me exhausted finally eating my cold food at 10:00pm, food I ordered at 7pm and falling asleep next to a snoring Marra, and my sister and her husband eating their Lobster they had no chance to eat at the nice restaurant with plastic cutlery at 10:00pm watching hotel TV.
Well there is always next time? I’m not done trying Miss Marra!

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Friday, March 17, 2017


Approaching week 6 and feeling normal again. I haven’t worn any tape on my incisions in almost 2 weeks, I was very nervous to not have the tape on at week 3 but then into week 4/5 I could see a lot of progress and healing which made me a lot more confident in no longer taping. The last week I have had much better luck with the hypersensitivity of my skin. The days go by easier and at night I’m feeling almost pain free, which has been so nice for sleeping.

I have started to sleep on my side half the night and with the help of pillows sometimes I sleep on my stomach, it feels so nice to fall asleep the way I am use too!!!! The little things in life!

I don’t take any Advil or Tylenol and try to do massage at night before I go to bed, I should be a lot better at massage but it hurts and makes me so much sorer, so I have been slacking.

I just sent in my 6 week photo updates to my surgeon and heard back that indeed the incisions have become red in color and in the first stage of healing which could take 6weeks to 6 months. I just want them to heal as faint as possible, to do so I have been using a scar gel cream from the surgeon’s office.

My next update won’t be until 3 months post op, then at 4 months I can hopefully travel back to Calgary to have a post op consult in person with the surgeon.

I’m so happy to be feeling better and more normal!

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Friday, March 10, 2017


This post is so exciting and fun to write about, I have a real reason to gush and state how proud I am of my sibling.

My younger sister has recently started a small company called: Olive Designs, she sells the cutest most modern teething accessories. I love how practical they are and yet fashion forward for both mommy and baby. I adore seeing anyone especially someone I love so much pursuing a goal of theirs, my sister Sara has talked about starting a small hobby/company for many many months. Im truly so proud of her and love her work.

For more information you can find her company: Olive Designs on Facebook & Instagram under olivedesigns17.

I cant help but share some of her work.
Images Via: Olive Designs

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