Monday, April 04, 2016


I know that it’s so childish and pointless but I really despise birthdays! I don’t wanna have one, I don’t wanna get older, I just plain old don’t wanna deal with my birthday each year!
My birthday is in less than a month and while I’m super excited for family supper and birthday cake and a few gifts from loved ones (that’s my fav part) but can’t I just stay the same age?
The reason isn’t what you would think; I don’t mind the actual number of my age climbing upwards. It’s usually a good thing and something to be positive about. You are wiser, learned life lessons and have been through ups and downs that shape who you are and who I am yet to become.
The part that makes me cringe is I measure birthdays each year by what I have done within the last year of my life. I use it as a tool to measure my success or lack thereof.
What have I done to be a better person, am I better person than a year ago? Have I reached any of my goals? Happy with my job? Happy in general? Working out and being healthy? At my goal weight or have I put on weight? Conquered my depression? Financially secure and stable? Blogging and being successful at it?
The questions go on and on and all loop back to one general idea. “Am I who I want to be after another year of my life has gone by? I then start the process of robbing myself of any joys I do have, I start comparing my life to others, what they have accomplishes and they are the same age or younger, they must feel so great when it’s their birthdays? While I waste mine with nothing to show for it?
Or my worst fear which it seems is every year, have I watched another 365 days come and go and have no goals reached and I’m left feeling I’ve wasted a year of my life and precious time here on earth.
Does anyone else feel like this on their birthdays!?
I know I will be feeling like this again this year when my birthday arrives……..
My solution this year will be to try and focus on everything I do have and to try and be as grateful as possible.

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