I’m Dani
Leigh, fashion, beauty and blog obsessed, but mostly I just watch
Netflix on the couch.
My personal
resume would read:
Total goober
when I'm overtired
Fluent in
“Movie Quotes”
obsessed over protective auntie and sister
Movie and Music
enthusiast ….and…Dinosaur obsessed
Comedian (my
family disagrees)
Worrier and
sometimes procrastinator……… (the sometimes part was a lie)
Day Dreamer
and Star Gazer
I started
The Vanilla Life after being blog obsessed for years, I wanted to express myself
in a blog like all the other blogs I read daily, but I held myself back for a long time before proceeding with making one. I looked at all of these beautifully artistic and successful blogs and
thought why would I even try, I am nothing compared to their amazing life
styles. After alot of thinking I
decided my blog didn’t have to be like the others I loved so much, it could
just be mine and if anyone happened to read it and like it, that would make my
day. I
lead a very normal (Vanilla) Life and its worth sharing because that is
something I love to do (sharing). I love my Vanilla Life, and I hope you will
Full Name:
Danica, Nickname: Dani Leigh
Where do you
live? I live in Alberta, Canada in a town with snow over 7 months of the year!
How old are
you? I am 27
Are you
married? Kids? Siblings? No I am not married, but in a committed long-time relationship
to my best friend, that’s all I’ll say for now as he’s shy. No, no
children. Yes siblings, I have two beautiful sisters.
What does
The Vanilla Life mean? Where did the name stem from? Time to fess up, years ago
watching the TV Show “The Hills” (plz. tell me I’m not alone in loving it at a
time) and hearing Kristin say the term “Vanilla” in reference to someone not as
exciting as others. I always said I'm a Vanilla Person, I so have a Vanilla Life! I’m a Vanilla Girl
and I’m 100% okay with that. I thought that would be the perfect way to keep my blog
true to who I am by using that as its name, as I want my blog to represent me in
hopes to let other girls know, just because you live a very normal life or
“Vanilla Life”, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with that. I have learned
to try not to compare but embrace and enjoy my life, (I’m trying). I hope you
will too.
Section, what can I expect from this section of the blog? I am choosing to post
anything I am feeling passionate on writing about at that time in my life.
(E.g.), life memories, goals, dreams, aspirations, lessons learned, motivation,
“girl talk”, traveling, family, “real life chats” and day to day happenings. I
hope this section to be the heart of my blog where I can express myself in an
open forum and share my life and thoughts. Please feel free to comment on these
postings as I would love to hear from you and make myself some cyber friends!
Thanks for reading & stopping by.
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