If I let my mind wonder in the opposite direction it normally chooses what does it want to think?
It has realizations my normal negative thoughts usually push out before I can actually let them sink in and give them a chance.
What am I mumbling about?
Maybe just maybe my mind focuses on everything I'm failing at that I m blind to the things I am succeeding at, like a hazy filter I cant focus on, the negative seem so clear and crisp and detailed, while the positive seem the opposite. No matter how small the success its still something I worked for and should feel positive about, after all I always focus on every little negative detail why cant I try and shift my mind into a different focus of detail, giving myself credit for what I have done, where I am now.
Maybe just maybe forcing my self to make these positive success's clear to myself and saying out loud I should be proud of them will make me push for and work for more.
Isn't it all about believing? That's where I find myself in trouble, I have to face the realization that I don't love myself.....never have. I need to face this head on in order to continue working on my other problems; weight, depression, anxiety, motivation, success...etc.
I could babble on about this for endless sentences but ill keep it to a few realizations at a time.
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