Christmas is over as sad as I am to admit it, now approaches the new year with never ending new years resolutions.
I actually enjoy new years resolutions and usually write them down in my phone as a note and re-read them every few months as the year goes by, ill admit that I am guilty of having the cliché resolutions of being healthy and getting fit both resolutions I have yet to accomplish.
I wrote down in my phone new years resolutions and what I wanted to accomplish in 2016.
Here's the re-cap:
· To find adventure— realization, life is an adventure itself, and my life is my adventure.
· To try new things— I have and will do more in the year to come
· To go out of my comfort zone— I did, but not as much or as far as I would have lied to
· To appreciate everyday/stay positive— I have been trying daily to remind myself of this
· Learn new things— I have learned a lot in therapy in 2016 and am very proud of that.
· Make dreams happen— I'm making one happen this February and I am beyond excited!
When I was scrolling through my Instagram feed this week I seen an amazing post by @erinelizabethstudio, the very talented and kind girl who helped me with some rebranding for my blog in 2016! She stated she wasn't going to resolutions for 2017 but instead try to live by some of her favorite quotes. That post lit a spark in me, I knew I wanted to, had to do it too!!
Quotes are something I love to read and gather screen shots in my phone and re-read through daily. I looked back through my favorite ones and chose only quotes that go with my values as a person. I belive quotes can really relate and speak to the values you choose to live your life by, and if you have read any of my previous posts you know I am big on values.
Here are the quotes I feel follow along with my values as a person and the life I want to live, I hope to keep these quotes handy and repeat hem to myself as often as needed. I also hope to incorporate them into my life in 2017 and into future years to come.
Thanks loves xo