Friday, March 16, 2018


Its only taken me three months to write this, I haven't felt the urge to write till the last month or so. So I'm going to catch up on my writing from my time off.

I never force myself to write, if I don't feel it, I don't force it. If I relied on my blog as a business instead of a hobby id definitely have a different attitude and use strategies to motivate myself to write on a regular basis. For now though, its still a hobby.

2018 New Years Resolutions and Goals:

- Cut my hair in a more flattering style sometime in 2018
- Read more including the many books I have at home and have had for ....awhile....
- Take steps to improve finances and future savings
- Twenty minutes of physical activity daily
- Appreciate nice weather days by being outdoors 
- Eat better
- Continue to work on self love and self compassion

Mini Goals:

- Lotion 1/2 times a day
- Dermal Roll and exfoliate 2/4 times a week
- Whiten teeth
- Wear my hair down more
- Wear sweats less
- Drink more water

What are some of your Goals and mini goals, I always find it so interesting to hear from others.

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