Tuesday, March 20, 2018


My not so little Mellow is a year old today!!!

Mellow loves to:

- Sleep and nap and then sleep some more
- Roll around in the dusty garage, especially after just getting groomed
- Will only cuddle and hop up for lap cuddles with G
- Will only let G and Miss Marra pick her up
- Loves to play with bottle caps and only really likes playing with G
- Fav person...obviously G...

.................I could go on and on and gush over my cat but I'm sure no wants to hear about it lol, so ill include some photos and wish my sweet girl a very Happy First Birthday!!!!  xoxo Miss Mellow.

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Friday, March 16, 2018


Its only taken me three months to write this, I haven't felt the urge to write till the last month or so. So I'm going to catch up on my writing from my time off.

I never force myself to write, if I don't feel it, I don't force it. If I relied on my blog as a business instead of a hobby id definitely have a different attitude and use strategies to motivate myself to write on a regular basis. For now though, its still a hobby.

2018 New Years Resolutions and Goals:

- Cut my hair in a more flattering style sometime in 2018
- Read more including the many books I have at home and have had for ....awhile....
- Take steps to improve finances and future savings
- Twenty minutes of physical activity daily
- Appreciate nice weather days by being outdoors 
- Eat better
- Continue to work on self love and self compassion

Mini Goals:

- Lotion 1/2 times a day
- Dermal Roll and exfoliate 2/4 times a week
- Whiten teeth
- Wear my hair down more
- Wear sweats less
- Drink more water

What are some of your Goals and mini goals, I always find it so interesting to hear from others.

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