Monday, May 01, 2017


I have to tell this sweet story with all of you. I mean I’m sure I don’t have to, but I wanna, so I’m gunna.

On April 8 my sister had a sale to sell and promote her super cute business Olive Designs (Teething Chewlery), I tagged along to help watch Miss Marra while her mom did her thing. I'll admit I was skeptical that the lil one would let me watch her after our fiasco in Grande Prairie (story posted). See “Adventures With Miss Marra”.
Marra did amazing, she played on the floor on her blanket, chatted a bit while her mom and I passed her back and forth, and I took her for two short walks outside to nap. Her napping was short lived and she was due for a nice long nap so my sister suggested I take her for a nice long drive, I packed her up and after 15 minutes of nonstop crying I turned around and headed back to her mom for plan B or plan C I wasn’t sure which one at the time. I was about ten minutes away from getting back when her crying sounded too sad and I pulled over to calm her down and make sure she was alright. I opened up her car seat cover, our eyes locked and I was so sure she was going to scream louder because I wasn’t her mom, but I was very wrong, she stopped crying looked at me very intensely, reached out her tiny sweet hand and rested it on my cheek. I whispered you’re okay little one, I promise. So corny to say, but I felt like the world stopped and it  was just me and my niece bonding and staring at each other for what seemed like 5 minutes. I love thinking about that moment it makes me smile.
I knew she needed to nap so I drove us back to her mom and got her stroller out and I didn’t make it two minutes of walking and lil Miss Marra was snoring, I walked with her for over an hour in the sun and brisk wind and had an amazing day.

Here are a few photos of my Marra lately

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