Monday, January 28, 2019


  1. Drink Water
  2.  Write More Blog Posts
  3.  Read All Of The Books I Own
  4.  Let Go Of Things I Cant Control
  5.  Push Out Fear
  6.  Implement More Self Care
  7.  Avoid Buying Unneeded Items
  8.  Become Better At Saving
  9.  Exercise In Some Form Daily
  10. Practise Saying NO

The amount of time it takes for something to become a habit will vary depending on your source of information. Depending on who you ask, you can get answers anywhere from a week to a year. However the most popular answer is 21 days—postulated in the 1960s by Maxwell Maltz, a cosmetic surgeon. But that number was taken as scientific maxim without ever really being tested, until recently. Recent research led by a team at the University College London think they have uncovered just how long (on average) it takes for something to become habitual.  They do not think it takes 21 days to form a habit. They believe it takes an average of 66 days to create a habit. This number trumps the conventional 21 days by more than 3 weeks—so the idea that it takes an average of 66 days may be a surprise to many.

I view my mini goals list as more like a habits list I want to form and have in my daily life or at least on regular basis in my life. 

What are some mini goals or habits you'd like to form this year?

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Monday, January 21, 2019


If I'm honest my downstairs spare bedroom is my least favourite room, its a little to gray for my liking, but I very quickly put it together ov4er a week period when I had company coming. I love the artwork but would like to switch out the nightstand, however I haven't found anything I like within budget to replace it, so for now this is my basement spare bedroom, if I do end updating it I will post some photos. 

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Monday, January 14, 2019


Here is my upstairs bedroom after I've finished decorating it, my style is very simple and neutral. I feel like I might add some more artwork to this room or a mirror but for now this is the final look. 

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Monday, January 07, 2019


Hello loves, I have finally remembered to post pictures from the decorated rooms in my house. Awhile back I published some home posts with the inspiration via Pinterest of what my décor and home style is and what I was working towards. So here is the first post.....

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